Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 11/17/82 11:28
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On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 11:07:39 +0200, Jemdam.com <noemail@nospamplease.com> wrote:
> "Domestos" <never.you@mind.net> wrote in message
> news:89g0f.13461$0f3.4076@newsfe1-win.ntli.net...
>> How long does it take to get my site listed in a searh?
>> Any tips for getting a site noticed more? apart from ad-words :(
> Well it took me ages to find the answer to that question. I have found over
> the past 10 years of being a webmaster that google seaches will only make a
> small percentage of your traffic.
Really? I think this might be true for either badly built sites (with little to
spider) or sites that have a very havy competition (like porn). Which category
does your site fit in?
If a site is well written and built (lots of relevant text and easy to be
spidered links; nicely accessible) and the content is relevant to anyone, given
time Google will pick up what is there and your pages will show up in SERP's.
All IMHO of course.
>> --
>> Thanks,
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