Posted by Jemdam.com on 11/17/25 11:28
Okay, here is the PHP code to encrypt the page, just run it as an include in
your page and it will alter your page on the fly. It does have uses contray
to some of the negative people in this thread. I made a spam proof email
link with it. Have a look at:
// Page HTML-source encrypter
// Usage notes:
// just put include('csource.php') in the beginning
// of your script. The HTML content will be automatically
// encrypted via Base64 algorithm so nobody can view it.
function _fwk_filter_encrypt($content)
$table =
$xor = 165;
// Prepare encoding table
$table = array_keys(count_chars($table, 1));
$i_min = min($table);
$i_max = max($table);
for ($c = count($table); $c > 0; $r = mt_rand(0, $c--))
array_splice($table, $r, $c - $r, array_reverse(array_slice($table, $r,
$c - $r)));
// Encode sequence
$len = strlen($content);
$word = $shift = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$ch = $xor ^ ord($content[$i]);
$word |= ($ch << $shift);
$shift = ($shift + 2) % 6;
$enc .= chr($table[$word & 0x3F]);
$word >>= 6;
if (!$shift)
$enc .= chr($table[$word]);
$word >>= 6;
if ($shift)
$enc .= chr($table[$word]);
// Decode sequence
$tbl = array_fill($i_min, $i_max - $i_min + 1, 0);
while (list($k,$v) = each($table))
$tbl[$v] = $k;
$tbl = implode(",", $tbl);
$fi = ",p=0,s=0,w=0,t=Array({$tbl})";
$f = "w|=(t[x.charCodeAt(p++)-{$i_min}])<<s;";
$f .= "if(s){r+=String.fromCharCode({$xor}^w&255);w>>=8;s-=2}else{s=6}";
// Generate page
$r = "<script language=JavaScript>";
$r.= "function decrypt_p(x){";
$r.= "var l=x.length,b=1024,i,j,r{$fi};";
$r.= "}decrypt_p(\"{$enc}\")";
$r.= "</script>";
return $r;
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