Posted by Neredbojias on 11/17/80 11:28
With neither quill nor qualm, Luigi Donatello Asero quothed:
> "Neredbojias" <neredbojias@neredbojias.com> skrev i meddelandet
> news:MPG.1dae0ca86aad13b49898f0@news.intergate.com...
> > With neither quill nor qualm, Luigi Donatello Asero quothed:
> > > Not sure at all mostly about "more arrogant".
> > > Did you have a look at the way some of those who use male nicknames
> write on
> > > the Usenet?
> >
> > Sure, but men are driven to it by the women who torment them. Don't
> > forget that Garden of Eden story about how a woman ruined Paradise
> > through sheer perversity.
> I did not forget it but that does not mean that I believe in it!
> What about looking at both men and women as human beings?
I tried that once and it didn't hold water.
For the sake of argument, let's throw women into the mix and create an
"average" human being. Using this hypothetical average as reference,
women have both smaller craniums and bigger asses than the norm. The
data is strongly suggestive of certain baboons from central Africa who
fail to meet even paleolithic hominid standards. Also germane to the
issue is the fact that women chatter a lot and get excited over certain
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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