Posted by -Andy- on 10/09/05 14:04
Kadaitcha Man LOVES spam sent to <nospam@fuck-off-and-die.com>:
> -Andy-, <nospam@fuck--you.com>, the dotty, homeless pig, and attacher
> of extra horses to wagons and coaches to help them up hills, dilated:
>> Kadaitcha Man LOVES spam sent to <nospam@fuck-off-and-die.com>:
>>> -Andy-, <nospam@fuck--you.com>, the mentally deficient, distasteful
>>> steaming hot kanga, and mercenary and gun runner, noted:
>>>> Kadaitcha Man LOVES spam sent to <nospam@fuck-off-and-die.com>:
>>>>>> As any fool knows, the Message-Id contains an encoded
>>>>>> representation of the poster's IP address. It's therefore clear
>>>>>> that Poofter is changing his IP address to evade posting limits
>>>>>> set by the server. Tsk!
>>>>> Heavens to Murgatroyd. You're correct.
>>>> Mate, have a Bex and a lie down. I'm concerned......seriously.
>>> About what, ANDREW?
>>>>> "Heavens to Murgatroyd"
>> Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Kadaitcha "Heavens to Murgatroyd" (0.22
>> seconds)
>> Both results refer to the same thread.
>> Are you on the slops?
> You stupid fucking cunt. That's the new, improved, fubar google for
> you.
>If you hit the repeat the search with the omitted results
> included link, there are three, not two. One original, two quotes.
HA! you fucking inverted, trumpet shaped, sphincter blink.
If you hit it again there is four, not three. One original, three quotes.
But thanks for reassuring me.
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