Posted by Stan McCann on 10/10/05 02:13
Tony Cooper <tony_cooper213@earthlink.net> wrote in
> On 8 Oct 2005 21:18:22 -0700, Stan McCann <me@stanmccann.us> wrote:
>>Nothing unclear about the error at all. But you said nothing about
>>where the error is. I have two links in my sig which also lead to
>>numerous other pages I have worked on or written myself. What page?
>> Where on the page?
> I don't think it's appropriate in an html newsgroup to provide a
> full-blown blue pencil critique of the written text. The references
> to the errors should be enough to motivate you to find them and
> correct them if you are interested. If you're not interested in
> finding and correcting them, that's fine, too.
If it's not appropriate to give a full critique, then it is not
appropriate to critique at all. I did, BTW, find the errors but being
on that somewhat comical/satirical page, I simply don't care about a
bit of poor grammar or punctuation. I will probably fix the spelling
error sometime. For the content/purpose of that page, I'm not too
concerned and in no particular hurry.
> The only links I followed are the link you use in your sig line and
> one hyperlink to one set of images to see how you chose to present
> images. The page linked in your sig line is a simple page - except
> for the number of hyperlinks - and it shouldn't be difficult for you
??? "number of hyperlinks" ???
> to read it as others do.
>>Maybe you are like me that reads more than posts. I did not/do not
>>recognize your name as one of the regulars that I have become
>>familiar with and value their posts.
> I'm a regular in another newsgroup - oddly enough, on the subject of
> English usage - and only strolled into alt.html to ask a question.
> I
Ahah, a student of English commenting on English usage in an HTML
> muddle along in 4.01 and use it to put up images of the family so I
> can send links to the other family members from Illinois to Russia
> to Denmark.
> Fair's fair, so my latest site is
> http://home.earthlink.net/~tony_cooper213/bluehome.html and you are
> welcome to criticize my dodgy html. I used Adobe Photoshop7's
> Picture Gallery for the additional pictures, but I'm not happy with
> this
I wouldn't bother to critique it. It is total trash (code) IMO. As I
said in an earlier post (the one in which you critiqued my English?),
Transition is long past. HTML 4.0 has been superseded by HTML 4.01
way back in 1998. I see no CSS which is today's standard.
Please don't take offense. I was just giving an example of how I saw
your critique of my English. You mentioned some rules I violated
without being specific. For instance, an example of a proper critique
of your page would be: Your text "WEEKEND AT BLUE SPRINGS" appears to
be a header. An <hx> would be more appropriate.
> format. It is quick and easy to do, though. Your Album format does
> the job better, but the reference to needing to know perl script
> scared me off.
You don't need to know Perl thoroughly. If you would like to use it,
email me and I can help you with it.
> I probably won't hang around alt.html very long since the regulars
> here sneer at 4.01 and seem to get off on pointing and shouting at
> deprecated tags. They don't seem to understand that some of us are
> quite happy to use the simplest solution and don't see the need to
> learn to operate a 20 ton crane to lift a matchbox.
They (we?) don't so much sneer at 4.01 as that is the latest
recommendation of HTML. Most of the regulars here promote proper
usage, just as you did with my English. HTML 4.01 strict should be
used today for a number of reasons that you would learn if you were to
stick around.
There are some that would tell you to forget HTML 4.01 and go with
XHTML 1.1 as it supercedes HTML 4.01. I've seen many pros and cons on
this issue and I prefer to stay with HTML, at least now, I have no use
for XML (don't know it either).
Just a side note. I find it interesting that you also have family in
Russia as my son-in-law is Russian.
Stan McCann "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/pirate.html
Webmaster/Computer Center Manager, NMSU at Alamogordo
http://alamo.nmsu.edu/ There are 10 kinds of people.
Those that understand binary and those that don't.
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