Posted by Yomamma Bin Crawdaddin on 10/11/05 23:11
On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 12:42:43 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 12:00:26 -0700, Fly Cooter <FlyCooter@excite.com>
>>Fat Matt Moulton was challenged to fight by a guy on the Internet that
>>lives right near him.
>Hey Poofter! How come you changed your nic again? Having a bit of an
>identity crisis?
>>First he talked up a bunch of shit and agreed to the
>>fight. Now he chickened out.
>Yeah it was the whole "Hatter has to pay $500 to fight." bit that
>kinda turned me off. I did offer the alternative of having them
>just...show up and get their asses kicked...for some strange reason
>though they didn't seem to like that idea very much though.
>Apparently they're "afraid of the police" or
>something...*snicker*...like the police would give a fuck.
>Oh boy, teh poor fool is so fucked in the head he's wandering around
>clucking like a chicken.
>It's always "cock" this and "cock" that with you, isn't it, Homo?
>More importantly...
>Honestly, what's the hold up? I mean you said you were gonna get em
>taken down...and that was WEEKS ago! Have ya...have ya given up,
>Poofter? Do you admit stupidity? Hrmmm? Come on, what's the matter?
>Too SCARED to try and take them down? ^_^
Fighting now?
I thought I was the only one who had the Kooktards who wanted me to
fight them.
Who was that?
Errr ...Dean Rawool Sheethead something or another?
I wonder what happened to that fukkin idiot?
Lookie here Matthew,
If you can't play nice with your toy, we'll have to take
him away from you.....
Yomamma bin Crawdaddin www.cotse.com
Brotherhood (Vice Chairman)
Anti Archangel #41 The difference between John Kerry and Ted Kennedy is
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