Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/16/99 11:29
dorayme wrote:
>> From: Neredbojias <neredbojias@neredbojias.com>
>> It's a "giz", pl. "gizzes", short for "gizmacheck" or
>> "gizmachik" (- probably from the Polish "gyzbjzjaczchski")
>> meaning "thingamajig" with an often negative connotation.
> Here, an "old geezer" usually means "an old man", "geezer"
> remaining unused and undefined.
Here in Leftpondia "geezer" usually stands alone meaning "old guy".
You hear "old geezer", but the "old" has pretty much become a
redundant modifier -- there's no such thing as a "young geezer".
Killing all Google Groups posts.
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