Posted by Jake on 09/30/88 11:29
In message <2yE4f.36202$d5.192777@newsb.telia.net>, Luigi Donatello
Asero <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> writes
>"dorayme" <dorayme@optusnet.com.au> skrev i meddelandet
>> > From: "Tony Vella" <tony.vella@nogo.rogers.com>
>> >
>> > I can do this using frames quite easily but I have been told that many
>> > browsers do not support frames and I'm therefore trying to find a way
>> > the problem by using tables.
>> Who told you that? How many browsers have you got? How many
>> other friends with computers have you got. Count the ones having
>> no luck with frames and see if it comes to more than a big fat
>> 0...
>But you cannot bookmark a page using frames, can you?
Yes. IE can bookmark the frameset (in context); that's 85-90% of your
Other, newer, browsers have not considered this sufficiently important
to warrant providing the option.
If the site is written correctly, you can bookmark the main content page
if required.
Jake (jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk -- just a 'spam trap' mail address)
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