Posted by TJ on 10/19/05 05:43
dorayme wrote:
>> From: "Greg N." <yodel_dodel@yahoo.com>
>> dorayme wrote:
>>> Not true. In general, yes, it should be optional. That's as far
>>> as you can go without saying false things. The fundamentalist
>>> view expressed by you here would exclude a lot of things that
>>> could be a lot of fun, the fun being ruined if one has the
>>> choice... It is nice to be helplessly surprised by some things.
>>> One does not need to be so in control of every thing at every
>>> stage.
>> Not true. Thoise "things that could be a lot of fun... It is nice to
>> be helplessly surprised ..." could be fun or nice for some, but not
>> all potential visitors - That's as far as *you* can go without
>> saying false things.
>> I would say that uncontrollable acoustic content, though some may
>> like
>> it in some cases, *will*, without any doubt, annoy a percentage of
>> visitors.
>> The question remains, should a civilized person do things that might
>> be offensive to a part (however small) of the audience, without
>> giving them
>> a choice. I think the answer is no.
> OK Greg N...
> What exactly out of my paragraph, in which I said a number of
> things, is not true? Were they all wrong? I'd be shocked to have
> got /everything/ wrong!
Why? I get everything wrong on a consistant basis. I can give you the
wife's email addy if ya don't believe me. :-)
> In order for it to be nice for some (like those of us without
> this old fuddy-duddy, precious, hoity-toity attitude commonly
> exhibited about being intruded upon),
Or the poor souls without mute buttons on their keyboards ...
> it is important that some
> sounds and images be part of an unannounced package of a
> website!
Whoops! Images I don't mind, but we have a problem if you're gonna try to
force sound on me. Ya lost me there. I wanna hear what *I* am listening
to, not what *you* want me to listen to. Ordinarily I disagree with the
poop-sticks that frequent this group, but in *this* case, they are right.
You shouldn't "force" sound on a visitor, but feel free to make it an
> It has to be embedded or forced played in order for it
> to be a nice surprise on anyone.
I don't like *that* kind of surprise. See above.
> That it is not nice for all is
> one thing. Yes, this is the price. I will come to the nature of
> this price in a moment.
No offense, but English isn't your first language, is it?
> Basically, our little dispute here boils down to this: We both
> generally agree: Do not embed! You go further and say it is
> never worth it. I say it is sometimes worth it.
You're wrong. I (like a majority of people) surf around while listening to
music *I* like. I have no interest in having your website garble it up with
what *you* like. Get it?
<snip pontification>
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