Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 10/21/05 10:35
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:56:23 +0200, Borrox <Spamoff@foad.co.uk> wrote:
> "Barbara de Zoete" <b_de_zoete@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:op.syxpbdmvx5vgts@zoete_b...
>> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:27:24 +0200, Borrox <Spamoff@foad.co.uk> wrote:
>> To top all that, the looks as I first arive, are bad too.
>> <http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/_test/ttr.png> Hint: You don't know the
>> size of my viewport, you don't know if your visitor can see your images,
>> you don't know what the default background color of the browser of your
>> visitor is.
> Ouch!
> Do you have any advice about the tables,
> javascript
Javascript is okay to use, as are java applets, Flash and the likes. What they
have in common is, that they run client side, either by client side scripting of
because of a plug-in the client needs to have installed and running.
Just realize that anything that gets computed client side (that includes your
code for markup and any stylesheets too) can fail. So, don't rely on it. If you
create a menu with javascript of an applet or Flash, be sure it is at least also
available in plain html. Better work the other way around: first create pages
that could work in any situation in any given browser, than spice them up with
client side scripts, or stuff that needs plug-ins.
> and how to make it all work and viewable to most?
> The background is tiled a pale blue I don't understand how you see a bright
> sickly horrid purple,
Your pale blue must be an image? I don't run images. They are hardly ever
content (just eye candy) and one can do without (saving bandwidth). The 'bright
sickly horrid purple' :-) is the background _colour_ I set in my browser
viewport, so I don't miss mistakes with background colours I could make for my
own pages.
Sometimes it shows up with the pages of someone else. That only happens if you
didn't set a background _colour_ for your pages. Colour being something else
than image.
> any ideas how I can get browsers like your to view
> correctly?
I hope you can distill them from the above reply. :-)
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