Posted by �� on 10/26/05 10:55
I am wanting to do a small photographic site (using Studio MX) whereby
on the left-hand side there is a grid of say 25 thumbnail pics (5 x 5).
When you click (or hover) on the thumbnail, it would then show the
enlarged pic on the right-hand side of the page.
Is there an extension that would help make this easier to do?
Now to make it even more difficult, I was hoping to have the 25
thumbnails be chosen randomly from a pool of the total pics on the site
(e.g. 100 - hey, it's a small site) and when the page is refreshed the 5
x 5 grid changes as well (and still, when you click/hover on the
thumbnail it is shown enlarged).
I am not the most advanced DW user so any pointers, tips, examples,
extensions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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