Posted by Nonee on 11/18/48 11:30
Ok, I am still having problems with this... I am dynamically creating
a window based on the size of an image. I load the img.src but that
does not set the img's width and height attributes. I figured it was
because the page is created dynamically so it creates the page before
the image is loaded. Because the image width etc's aren't set, it
creates the window height and width as 0 + myOffset. I tried to do a
window.resize with JS but that didn't work either. (Create the page,
then onload call a func to resize the window). Any other ideas?
Remember, the image and the window are both dynamic and the images are
of varying sizes, so I cannot pre-set the width and height. I tried
that too.... Urrrrg... Please help...
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