Posted by brucie on 11/05/05 22:03
In post <news:eg2qm1p64hntl6j907noif43rihjh6qql3@4ax.com>,
Big McLargehuge said:
> I wanted to include a text box (not for input, but with text that the
> reader has to scroll down to read all of it) in my webpage and am
> running into a problem. I know how to create a basic text box with
> scroll buttons, but it want's to pull the text from another page. Is
> there a way to create one of these but have the actual text residing
> in the code of the same page that is being displayed?
do a google for your favourite server scripting language + screen scraper.
they extract whatever goodies from remote pages and then you can manipulate
it however you like. if applicable seek permission to do so and be careful
of copyright issues.
> I'm using Frontpage 2003 (if that helps)
no, it doesn't help. the worst editor you could possible use, the markup it
spews forth is disgusting. heres are some others but i haven't checked the
links for over 12 months, sorry. most are text editors, if you want a
wysinwyg editor i recommend ibm websphere, with only a few trivial
exceptions it can generate valid markup in wysinwyg mode.
jedit: http://www.jedit.org/
nedit: http://www.nedit.org/
ewisoft: http://www.ewisoft.com/
netpadd: http://www.netpadd.com/
araneae: http://www.araneae.com/
1st page: http://www.evrsoft.com/
crimson: http://crimsoneditor.com/
ezpad: http://www.mmedia.is/ezpad/
pnotepad: http://www.pnotepad.org/
D&S: http://editor.usenetshit.info/
acehtml: http://freeware.acehtml.com/
screem (linux): http://www.screem.org/
notetab light: http://www.notetab.com/
html-kit: http://www.chami.com/html-kit/
context: http://www.fixedsys.com/context/
pspad: http://www.pspad.com/en/index.html
websmill: http://www.xtreeme.com/websmill/
SciTE: http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html
metapad: http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/
slickedit (linux:) http://www.slickedit.com/
quanta (linux): http://quanta.sourceforge.net/
bluefish.(linux): http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
tswebeditor: http://thaler.ennstal.at/tswebeditor/
notespad: http://www.newbie.net/NotesPad/index.html
pagebuilder: http://www.tafweb.com/pagebuilder.html
grey matter pro: http://www.pagetutor.com/misc/grey.html
editpad lite: http://www.editpadlite.com/editpadlite.html
stones webwrite: http://www.webwriter.dk/english/index.htm
matizha sublime: http://www.matizha.com/en/products/sublime/
not free:
textpad: http://www.textpad.com/ [$30]
notetab: http://www.notetab.com/ [$10+]
editplus: http://www.editplus.com/ [$30]
ultraedit: http://www.idmcomp.com/ [$35]
editpad: http://www.editpadpro.com/ [$40]
hypertext studio: http://www.olsonsoft.com/ [$100]
top style: http://www.bradsoft.com/topstyle/ [$80]
namo: http://www.namo.com/products/webeditor/ [$90]
acehtml pro: http://www.visicommedia.com/acehtml/ [$50]
ibm websphere: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/hpbuilder/ [$70]
spider writer: http://www.actiprosoftware.com/Products/SpiderWriter/ [$80]
phpedit: http://phpedit.org/ [$0]
winsyntax: http://winsyntax.com/ [$0]
hydraPHP: http://www.coldmind.com/ [coming soon]
devphp: http://devphp.sourceforge.net/ [$0]
phped: http://www.nusphere.com/products/ [$300]
top php studio: http://www.top-systems.net/ [$30]
dzsoft php editor: http://www.dzsoft.com/dzphp.htm [$40]
Expert Editor: http://www.ankord.com/phpxedit.html [$35]
komodo: http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/ [$30+]
phpcoder: http://www.phpide.com/go/programs/php_coder.htm [$0]
Davor's PHP Editor: http://www.pleskina.com/dphped/main.php [$0]
maguma studio/workbench: http://www.maguma.com/products/?article=Studio {$40+]
> I'm not trying to add any fancy stuff to the page, I'm not an advanced
> HTML coder or anything, so as simple an answer as you can offer would be
> great.
the simplest way would be an <iframe> within a scrolling <div> but there
are issues with frames|iframes but that doesn't make the external content
part of your page.
l i t t l e v o i c e s
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