Posted by Erwin Moller on 11/11/05 15:33
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Erwin Moller wrote:
> <snip>
>> Well, that was my though too, but I do it like this for ages, and it is
>> also the official way to do it.
>> It always worked on all browsers and platforms.
>> Except now on IE6/W2000, and to make things worse, if I move the <a
>> name="edituser"> to another spot in the HTML, it works!
>> So I 'solved' the problem.
>> I am sure this must be (yet another) bug in IE6.
> No, I bet it is your code,
Excuse me?
Well, you sound awefully convinced for a guy that didn't see 1 line of
actual code.
Why are you so sure about it?
if we could stop this silly round-robin and
> see the offending URL, huh?
If you read this thread, you could have noticed I am not allowed to let
strangers into this project: non-disclosure stuff.
Sorry about that.
I don't like it either.
And cutting the page out of its context to present it to you all is not
possible, because this (bug I think) only happens when the page is builded
the first time.
If I reload it does follow the #blabla.
So I have to let you in the project, and the place where the problem arrises
is deep into some admin-part, where nobody is welcome. :-(
I say this because I am almost finished
> converting my site to PHP (maybe by this weekend hooray) and generate
> urls with query strings with hashes and have tested with MSIE on Windows
> 2000 with no problem.
Well good for you.
My site is in php too.
But php have nothing to do with this.
This is IE.
> You have made a mistake.
Again: Why are you so sure about that without seeing 1 line?
Because it works on your setup?
Does that mean that it works everywhere?
FYI: I am not new to the game: I have over 20 years of
programmingexperience, made a zillion database driven websites, and write
html with the same ease as I speak. I mastered many languages.
I do not want to brag how great I am, I just want to make clear to you I
have seen my share of bugs, and get a little irritated by your
overconfident claim that I made a mistake.
Do you have any idea how much update and bugfixes IE had over the last 5
You should not claim I made a mistake without knowledge (actual html): it is
ignorant and honestly: stupid. It irritates me (you noticed). ;-)
>> Personally I would like to target only internetbrowsers, but the company
>> I develop this app for thinks IE6 is a browser too.
>> ;-)
> Can be done, I dislike IE and only use for testing, but my only
> frustration with the browser is with CSS and styling, not the markup. IE
> is like an old Chevy, it won't look pretty but you can though the worst
> crap at it and it keeps on running.
IE keeps running?
When it don't crash it renders something most of the time. True.
Seriously: I haven't seen much worse crap than that piece from M$.
Maybe Outlook/exchange are worse. not sure...
Anyway, I do not want to start a fight here.
Thanks for your response.
Erwin Moller
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