Posted by Hywel Jenkins on 11/11/05 21:12
In article <d7o9n1t63nc3sanlpd0bhtjmh4i0l8qe13@4ax.com>, drkaidian54
@yahoo.com says...
> Name's Mike, FIRST time poster here!
Cool. Fresh meat.
> I do have one question though... I did a FAQ page and (perhaps
> stupidly) decided to do it similiar to another FAQ page I saw once,
> that is, have the questions prints first and have the option where one
> could click on any question and get sent to the answer on that page.
> My question is, was there an easier way of doing that besides have to
> put (and name) anchor points at EACH and EVERY answer and EACH and
> EVERY question (for the "return" link)? Seems like there'd be a way
> to do that quicker...
> I tell ya, the list was a pain in the rear to create (and again, maybe
> I'm missing something). I didn't want too much, the questions in one
> color, the answer in another color, the questions with numbers by
> them, but the dang thing took forever. First EVERYTHING was in the
> same color, then I'd type the answer and it'd appear with a number,
> etc, etc. Finally I pretyped the first in Word and then import it
> over and changed each sentences color manually. So much work for a
> simple list..
Database, a record set, and server-side scripting. Easy.
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