Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 11/14/05 11:02
On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 04:50:31 -0600, Noodles Jefferson
<silverbells@tacoshells.com> wrote:
>> The point was that it wasn't as small as it could be and the other
>> point is volume. Just image if you were building a site for CNN.com
>> and it was going to be downloaded several MILLION times a day...that's
>> when the difference between a few hundred bytes can wind up making the
>> difference between gigabytes of data traffic.
>This doesn't stop them from putting up interviews and other things that
>are much larger files. Doesn't stop the AP or C-Span either.
Interviews or video files are naturally bigger, but even with that the
idea is to encode them for the best quality with the smallest size.
If they were treating their video the way you treat your images they
would be several hundred megs per and would overwhelm their servers to
the point where they wouldn't even be able to have that service. It
all counts, Cupcake and a potential employer isn't going to want to
hire someone with your attitude, they're going to want the best...and
the best is the guy who knows what the fuck he's doing.
>> >You're more pissed that it was accurate.
>> ...how was it accurate? You're the only one I see complaining about
>> the graphic style, Kiddo. Oh but hey, do pray tell, just what as it
>> about the graphics that bothered you so much? Was it the clouds? Do
>> clouds scare you? Hrmmm? Did you have a bad experience?
>> ...btw Noodle Head...weren't you the idiot who yammering on and on
>> about how I'm ~supposedly~ *SO* good at graphic design and *SO* bad at
>> web coding?
>I've seen your pages. You do the same thing every time. <iframe> is your
>little buddy.
I use an iframe to center my web content, most of which is currently
configured for an 800x600 display...I'm sorry that you're so gawd damn
deficient you can't look at the source code within the iframe, but
hey, that's your problem, Kiddo. Maybe someday when you figure it the
fuck out what you're doing and you'll be able to see the code that
runs my sites.
>Except you should probably be using the frameset DTD,
Why would I do that when I can use my own custom hacked DTD that
allows me to do everything in the frameset DTD and more?
>you don't have a lot of interactivity beyond click a button.
....oh I'm sorry, what other interfaces do you have on your computer,
Screwball? Do you have an electronic dildo that you shove up yer ass
that's set to go off every time there's a popup or something? Wait,
no, I got it...keyboard commands. This doofy assed Noodle guy wants
to do away with mice and work off the keyboard...LOL...someone get
this loser a fuckin Mac! `, D
>Now granted the background changes too, so you get some props for that,
Sunshine...I do shit on my sites that you couldn't even fucking BEGIN
to comprehend. Or did you forget who has the ONLY perfect liquid
website prototypes in existence?
That's pure code, Dumbass. Every image you see is resized,
reconstructed and placed on the fly by the hybrid PHP/Javascript
code...and it's completely custom you fuckin tard, there's no other
site on the whole of the PLANET that does what those two prototypes
do. And hey, all I gotta do is throw in a lil server side image
caching and create some can opener code and I can market the concept
as freely as I like...you can't though Noodle head...because as
fucking stupid as you are you can't even comprehend how the PHP code
is reconstructing PNG alpha transparent files...hell, yer dumbass
probably can't even comprehend the javascript placement and division
resizing code that you can actually access...of course, as downs as
you are you probably haven't even figured out what an external
javascript file is let alone how to open one...LOL...yer such a loser
Oh and hey, on those perfect liquid prototypes, try clicking on the
tops of the boxes...dynamic interaction Sunshine...and you don't know
how I did that either, do you? ^_^
In fact, there's a lot of things that you probably have NO idea how I
did...hell even on my main backwater site:
Touch the frog with yer mouse, Stupid...now tell me how I coded that.
He, he, he...oh and the new downloads section with DVD style
interface, tell me how I coded that, Noodle Dick...what's the matter,
yer "education" comin up short? Typical half breed fuck, goes to
school thinkin he's gonna learn about computers...LOL. You don't go
to school to learn about tech, Stupid, you go there to get a magic
piece of fuckin paper so you can convince some no brained corp exec
that yer smarter than they are. Only dropouts and fools like you go
to school looking to LEARN. Cause really...if you can't learn it the
fuck on yer own...yer never gonna make it. *shrugs* Reality's a
bitch, innt? `, )
>after all, you make pretty pictures but I have like 12 links on a page,
WOW...you know how to make LINKS! Jeez, yer like the fuckin MASTER of
HTML code or something! My GAWDS! Do you guys over in alt.html hear
>okay graphics
....I don't think shit you slurped up out of a sloppy Google image
search count as "graphics"...well at least not professionally.
>and people can do a search from it.
....yes child, anyone can link to a search engine...I think I did that
back in like...1999...
Oh and unlike yours, mine was original code, not cookie cutter...and
it had an original interface too.
>I'm learning how to generate HTML now and I'm starting to see how it's
>all fitting together.
D00d, you've been "learning" HTML for like YEARS now...what's the hold
I mean, come on, I had never even fuckin touched Flash until last
August and hrmmm...
Even experimenting with PHP integration now:
I mean, think about it...last AUGUST...that wasn't even four months
>So pretty soon the task of updating will become easier which means and
>I can make more pages with a consistent look quicker.
Consistent crap is still crap.
>Conforms to W3C,
Yeah that's not too hard to do when you're barely touching outside of
HTML v2, child. Let me know when you start hacking your own DTDs,
then maybe I'll consider you close to my level:
>works in any browser.
You're claiming to have tested your site in EVERY browser now, eh?
Are you REALLY sure about that? Do I need to break out the list?
>No further assembly required. Coding wise it's actually more
>complex than your site.
>It's got a 3 column div layout
WOW, three WHOLE division layers, huh? Try this, Stupid:
Roughly SEVENTY dynamically controlled division layers...he, he,
he...like I said...you can't even comprehend working on my level.
>and uses a style sheet.
WOW, style sheets, boy those are sure hard...um...what on your site
NEEDS a style sheet though? I mean, really. Do you even know WHY you
should be using a style sheet as opposed to inline styles? Oh BTW, a
lot of my sites use style sheets...just the parts that benefit from
them though.
>You have a an iframe that you abuse the hell out of
The iframe does nothing but center the content, child, it's quit sad
that you think it's some magical tool that somehow does any more than
just that.
>and a hacked DTD.
Let's see...how many people can hack a DTD and still get it to parse
on the W3Cs validator...oh hey, ME! ^_^
Canned DTD hacks aren't too hard to come by...but mine are the only
ones that I've seen that can pass validation through the W3C and not
just some fifth wheel service.
>Pictures only carry you so far.
Well it's a good thing my skill in graphics design is as bad ass as my
coding ability, eh Junior?
>> *snicker* How are you delusions holding up these days?
>Hey, I figured out your browser testing problem but you're acting like a
>twat so I'm not gonna tell you.
....what browser testing problem? Do you even KNOW what you're saying
or do you just roll yer stupid head across the keyboard hoping
something meaningful or poignant will pop up?
>> Oh, BTW, I saw the thread where you talked about how you got Paint
>> Shop Pro...seems a little...odd. I'm quite sure that whatever poverty
>> of a public education system you're attending would have told you
>> Photoshop was yer best bet...and last I checked I was the only one
>> running around A26 touting the wondrous merits of my lil 6 year old
>> version of Paint Shop Pro.
>Photoshop was a hundred bucks more and to be honest, I like paintshop.
>I'm not a professional graphic artist and it does a okay enough job to
>handle what I need from it. Now, I won't rule getting photoshop in the
>future out but for now, I think I'm set. There's always the GIMP too.
The program really doesn't matter all that much...hell I use a 6 year
old version of Paint Shop Pro for most of my stuff.
>> Why don't you just join a fuckin webbie board, I think that'd be more
>> yer speed.
>Hey you're the one that gets laughed out of...er...I mean trolls
>webforums, not me.
Oh? Was Chet laughing when I forced him to obliterate a multithousand
post forum on his lil PoE News board just to try and shut me up? He,
he, he...oh there was laughing alright...from me. `, )
>> Yeah, yer definitely not a Netter.
>Excuse me?
There are no excuses for your stupidity.
>Who the fuck are you?
Better than you...that's who.
>Sister fucking diaper tard.
That's it, lash out incoherently with insults...that's the idea you
know...when you reach the point where you stop mixing insults with
facts and arguments and fall into a state of perpetual lamedom, where
you have nothing left but failing delusions and lies to keep you
going. ^_^
>> >Oooh la la. Nobody cares.
>> You cared enough to suddenly start experimenting:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.2600/msg/a49672f80775dbd1
>Sure. But I'd been experimenting.
Post proof.
>> And oh, look at that, you're using PNG files...
>Usually gives me the smallest size.
Now come on, Child, we all know yer stupid, but you could at least try
and hide it better. Coincidentally in the majority of settings
without proper understanding of image encoding methodology PNG would
actually produce some of the largest sizes...and given the stuff that
you've posted so far...yeah yer failing grasp of the subject is more
than apparent.
>> and you're not posting
>> images inline either.
>I still do. If I want to show more than one thing at a time, I do.
Again, post proof that you've done this from the time I made that
original post to you till this post.
>> I don't get it, Noodles, what are you too
>> fuckin high on yourself to admit yer wrong? Hell I'm a fucking
>> asshole but even *I* know when to admit I fucked up.
>What have I fucked up? I think everyone knows I'm experimenting with
>something new to me. I made that pretty clear in the original post.
It's the parts where you're emulating me whilst foolishly attempting
to verbally attack me, Tard Boi...and doing a shit job of hiding it.
>> ...I can only guess that you didn't read it (not that, that was the
>> point of my posts). There's nothing homoerotic about it...well unless
>> you think relationships between girls and guys is gay, in which case
>> you should probably get yer head checked. One also shouldn't let the
>> subject confuse them, part of the reason I made teh CB fanfic was to
>> create my own personal idealized version of the fuzzy lil bastages.
>> It starts out pretty PG, but in chapter 7 (soon to be added), a
>> teenage girl winds up having her emotions and memories ripped
>> separately out of her while her body is atomized. And later, in
>> chapter 10, one of the baddies becomes unstable and goes nuclear on a
>> small town, killing this one little girls parents...along with
>> everyone else in the town. Needless to say...it gets pretty dark. I
>> liken it to American McGee's "Alice"...only with no gore...well except
>> the part in chapter 8 when one of the baddies makes like a whirlwind
>> through a room filled with shards of glass...but there's no blood.
>I like how one sentence generates a paragraph of denial from you. Very
Denial is conjecture without facts, I presented facts. So come on,
Doctor Phil, point out yer facts, point out what part of the story you
think is so "gay"...or continue with YOUR denial...oh, and make it
SHORT too, we wouldn't want anyone to mess up and think you had any
literary skills, now would we? ^_^
>> >Good luck on building the most loserly site ever.
>> I make my sites for the people that enjoy them...obviously you're not
>> one of them...and yet you look at them anyway...funny that, huh?
>It's like a trainwreck or a car crash. You can't help but look.
Oh how cliche, Noodlehead, when all else fails rip off someone else's
material, what an AMAZING tactic, boy I bet that's gonna get me to
stop tormenting you, neh?
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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