Posted by Bob on 11/14/05 23:20
Hey Beau-disregard.....
Let's see what you got!
Fucking diarrhea mouth.....
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Nov 15, 5:12 am show options
Newsgroups: alt.html
From: "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.m...@example.invalid> - Find
messages by this author
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 19:12:59 GMT
Local: Tues, Nov 15 2005 5:12 am
Subject: Re: Buddy can you spare a dime (in minutes)?
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Bob wrote:
> Well then OK....let's see what you have.
I have the ability to properly construct a newsgroup post.
I have the ability to use a real newsreader, or to properly quote at
Google Groups if the need ever arose.
I have the ability to write a web page that doesn't look like a piece
scratch paper from a legal tablet.
I have the ability to write a web page that doesn't repeat itself in
three frames.
I have at least *some* sense of good-looking design.
> I have 25 business websites @ www.BobSweeney.Net.......
No, you have 25 JavaScript links that all lead to other pages on one
site .. and which are crap.
> what do you have diarrhea mouth.....
> Put up or shut up.
Most of my nearly 30 years of programming was for inhouse databases. My
two hand-coded online CMS/databases that run my clients' sites are not
accessible to the public. And they work.
> You're [sic] as professional as Hywel.....a pussy that performs no
> business purpose.
But I'm a pussy who knows how to write web pages.
> I can talk the talk and I can put my programs up for review...let's see
> you.
Yep, you can surely talk the talk. Unfortunately, nobody is listening
it for anything other than amusement. I'm enjoying it. You could
probably get a sitcom on the WB and make real money.
> All I hear is a lot of trash talk from people that got nothing to
> show......
<snip your copy and paste of dang near a whole web page...>
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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