Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 11/17/05 10:50
On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 13:54:02 -0600, me <me@doIknowyou.com> wrote:
>> Really? Well she must not be a very "cool" 11 year old, last I
>> checked Care Bears was like the TOTALLY cool retro fad for
>> tweenybopper muppet fucks these days. Is your daughter wearing bell
>> bottoms yet? That's apparently "cool" again too.
>You oughta know ~
I know about your imaginary daughter, do I? Tell me, is she as FAT as
>isn't that the only type of female who'll talk to
>you? Do you use those wittle Care Bears for luring unsuspecting girls
>(or boys) into your beat ass, broken down piece of shit jalopy?
....you were abused...weren't you? `, )
>And if liking (not to mention being obsessed about them) Care Bears is
>a muppetfuck kinda gig for tweenyboppers, what does that make YOU??
I made something nice for my God daughter and for anyone else who has
(real) kids, yeesh, what the fuck is wrong with you lady? I mean you
were sexually abused as a child and now you go around pretending that
you've got kids? What's up with that?
>BTW, this morning before school, my daughter and some of her friends
>checked out your site and we all had a great LAUGH! Thank you so much!
You know Shay thought "she" had a kid too..."she" also shit all over
the place...almost as much as you enjoy using the word in your
I'm seeing a lot of correlations between the two of you.
>BTW, two of the girls have a bet that you're really a nerdy little 10
>year old boy who got a computer for Christmas . . .
>Yes, she and her friends wear bell bottoms, love unicorns and big pink
>flowers . . . but even they are above gay Care Bear shit ~ how sad
>that you're not! ^ * ^
How sad that you think I made the site for myself...of course as
introverted as you are I guess it's hard for you to imagine doing
anything for anyone, eh kiddo?
>And BTW, just because someone TELLS you that Care Bears are a "cool
>retro fad" doesn't make it so.
....who needs to tell me? I trade enough AGC stock to know. When the
last CB CGI movie came out...I made $700 in one day. ^_^
>The only people I know who are into CBs
>are little old ladies with 50 cats and four year old girls . . . (-:
....why would old ladies be into CBs? Golly yer an idiot. Teh CB
market is made up two primary sectors:
Kids - Who like it as entertainment.
Teens & 20 somethings - Who treat it like a retro fad. Belly rings,
t-shirts, etc:
And then of course there's still the "greeting cards" aspect that's
been holding continually steady for the past couple decades.
Tis a good investment...especially if you're the one who has complete
and total control over the fan base...oh hey, that'd be ME!
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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