Posted by Peter Hayes on 10/14/91 11:32
The Odious Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 13:41:05 +0000, not_in_use@btinternet.com (Peter
> Hayes) wrote:
> >I pointed this out to him a few weeks ago. He obviously cares not one
> >jot.
> I turn down potential clients on a weekly basis,
You misspelled "Potential clients turn me down on a weekly basis".
> my skillz come with the attitude
Both negative.
> and it's WELL worth it,
Film and television production is full of people who think they're God's
gift, the next Steven Spielberg. They usually end up flipping burgers or
clerking at the local video rental store.
> if you don't like that...fuck off
> with the rest of the Christian right, you pissy little bitch.
Five minutes with Google and you'd discover that I'm anything but
"Christian right". In UK terms, Liberal Centre-Left would be a better
description, or in US speak, "Commie Pinko".
> >> Now comeback with something clever...
> >Rude, more like...
> The neat trick about me is that I'm both rude and clever at the same
> time...part of what makes it so hard to stop obsessing over me.
In ten years time you'll look at your self-obsessed posts on Google and
Seek help.
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