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Re: What's Wrong The Tech World? (a Hatter rant)

Posted by Noodles Jefferson on 11/28/05 02:36

In article <>, Onideus Mad
Hatter took the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...

> On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 03:38:31 -0600, Noodles Jefferson
> <> wrote:
> >> D00d, you've made like ONE website and it's shit, you're hardly in any
> >> position to be telling people what they should and shouldn't be doing.
> >Okay, creepy care bears guy. Whatever you say.


> What a come back, Noodle Dick, that was just AWESOME!

Shut the fuck up, you fucking moron.

> >> What makes you think anyone on the whole of the fucking PLANET would
> >> go to your run down shit site for up to the minute news when they can
> >> just go directly to the source:
> >Because I don't do up to the minute news.
> Oh so you offer a lesser news service with up to the...uh...maybe last
> weeks news.

As opposed to uh...creepy care bears stories?

> >And again, I didn't grep the material from CNN. The quotes are from
> >Libby's actual indictment. Should know me better than that by now.
> >Dumbshit.
> Dumbshit, I don't know you at all and I'll most likely have long
> forgotten you even before your limited life span expires.

Yet you've read my posts for the last few years.

> >This is why I always punk you out.
> ..."punk you out"...what are you, like perpetually 12 years old or
> something?

No, you're a punk and it's on display for everyone repeatedly and
pointedly. You're welcome.

> You know what I find most annoying about humans...they
> never really change. I mean, you take the deficient ones like Noodles
> here...yeah, they don't EVER become anything more than that.

Like you would know anything about being anything other than a fucking

> >And it's a bad ass little page.
> It's crap, child, if you think its anything more than that you're
> either deluding yourself or you got lied to.

Working search
Content that someone will give a crap about
Doesn't take forever to load
Doesn't display all of it's content in an iframe nor uses flash
Doesn't look like a total noob coded it.

And your site?

> >Better than you can do
> It's already been well established that you can't even fucking
> comprehend the level of artistry that my skills play on.

Artistry: Van Gogh painting the Mona Lisa
You: Van Gogh waking up and jerking off then bragging to everyone how
great he jerked himself off.

> >If I had more time,
> ROTFL...if you only had more time...son you could have fucking forever
> and you would STILL have a shit website.

Ok, iframe boi, whatever you say.

> >I'd probably do more with it but I'd rather pull all
> >A's this semester, thanks.
> And yet you can't even manage to do that.

And you would know

Exactly, you don't know shit.

> >You just sit there and be a gibbering tool.
> >K? Great.
> Hey Jeffey...did you know...that I enjoy the "taste" of your bitter,
> jealousy driven, projectionist flailings? Cause I do...I really do.

Who's Jeffey?

> >> Fuckin DUH. And if you wanted to run a search:
> >Or you can just do it from my page. That way you can look up things
> >like, eminent domain, which you've already proven you know nothing
> >about.
> What does eminent domain have to do with...ANYTHING AT ALL... o_O

Well, you can search using "eminent domain" and find what you're looking
for, or you can go to your site and wonder about it.

> Seriously, I think maybe I boot fucked poor Jeffey in the head one too
> many times.

Who's Jeffey?

> >> Fuckin DUH. As for "buying a t-shirt" and "playing a game", come on
> >> fool, don't be stupid.
> >Beats 10 chapters of care bear creepy drivel.
> You're just REALLY hung up on those luvy duvy lil Care Bears,
> aren'tcha?

It's pretty hilariously ridiculous.

> You wanna talk about it? I mean, come on, Kiddo, you
> can't even go 2 sentences without molesting them into the
> conversation.

Nice verb use. Really.

Please what words mean before trying to use them. TIA.

> >> >You can read things on a couple of pages. You can click to get something
> >> >from a link and....that's about it.
> >> Well that's the whole point, Stupid, my sites don't try to do anything
> >> that they don't need to, I don't need silly little hoo ha and
> >> bullshit.
> >Whatever.
> I'm sure that's what most people think when they see your site and
> make a move for the "back" button.

Apparently not, judging by my email.

> >I guess you're too dumb to realize you can do a whole site in flash.
> I guess you're too dumb to realize that I have done a couple whole
> sites in Flash.

Yeah, I'm not surprised. You're pathetic like that.

> >Why don't you just do that? You're heading that way anyway.
> You don't know where I'm headed child, you can barely figure out BASIC
> HTML fer fuck sake.

Three column div layout and styles says hi. Fuckface.

> I know spastic, tweenage, emo poetry writing
> little clusterfucks on Deviant that have more knowledge and
> understanding than you have.

Well, except for the knowledge and understanding part, I'd have thought
you were one of those spastic, tweenage, emo poetry writing

> >May as well get
> >something for your pretty pictures and let your insanity shine in all of
> >it's ridiculous glory. Yeah, do your site in flash. Hell, do *any* site
> >in flash. I'd like to see what you'd try and pull off using more than a
> >background picture and iframe and some javascript.

One document.write for a flash object. Oooooh !!!

Yeah, Mattty, I'm really trembling now.


> Tell us, Jeffey, does it HURT to be as DUMB as you are?

Who's Jeffey again, spazzo?

If you want to go talk to Jeffey, go talk to Jeffey.

> >> Honestly, why don't you add a fuckin temperature display
> >> and daily calendar to your shit while you're at it, LOL.
> >No reason to.
> It's really too bad you haven't tried applying that level of reasoning
> to the rest of the shit that's littering your pointless waste of
> webspace.

Yeah, how dare I put something up that people might actually want to
read. Shame on me.

> >> Oh boy, there ya go molesting the iframe again. Do you even KNOW what
> >> an iframe is, Stupid?
> >Yeah, it's the thing you always use to make your content show up.
> ...the content shows up just fine without the iframe, Stupid, it's
> just not centered. That's all the iframe does, Child, it just centers
> everything.

If you can center and iframe, you can center anything else.

Idiot. Feel free to learn something the next time you deign to show up
to class.

> >It's not like you haven't done it with damn near every other page you've
> >done.
> Oh the cursed iframe, it prevents all the lesser stupids like Jeffey
> from being able to see the actual source code of my sites.

Actually, it's flash that does that. Well, that's okay, you're not
particularly bright anyway.

> >> >I'll give you look. You make a nice picture. Your links work. Hooray.
> >> >That's what's supposed to happen.
> >> You can watch video on my several of my sites...original stuff at
> >> that...oh, I win! ^_^
> >Oh? You suddenly became the offspring?
> What Offspring made videos are on my site, Stupid?

I didn't say offspring made the videos. Offspring is the music in the
background for your dumb "animations" that are obviously ripped off from
some animes.

> >> And then if you wanna talk about the CB site, *whistles*, we're talkin
> >> over 200 megs worth of content, Sunshine. Might not be too appealing
> >> to you, but teh kiddies like it...well, you are a kiddie though, so I
> >> guess maybe you would like it.
> >Did you know you're linked on wikipedia?
> >
> >Congratulations on being confirmed as the gayest thing ever.
> Careful, your bitter jealousy is showing again.

Why in the hell would I be jealous of YOU?

I wouldn't be.

> You couldn't get one
> of your sites linked on Wiki even if you gave all the owners a
> lifetime supply of sloppy blow jobs.

I don't want a listing like that, ever. I'm a 30+ year old man, who
doesn't play with dolls.

> >> >But it's not easily updatable,
> >> Oh it's very easy to update...well for me. You wouldn't have any
> >> fucking clue as to how to update any of it.
> >You couldn't pay me enough to deal with your creepy crap.
> Translation: Gawd I wish someone like you would give me a job when I
> get out of pretend college!


Never, ever. I have standards.

> >> Yeah a WHOLE megabyte, WOW that's a lot...*Hatter noticed another
> >> 27gig torrent has just finished downloading and snickers at Noodle's
> >> dialup connection*
> >Um...I'm using DSL, douche. Why'd you snip that part out?
> >
> >Oh yeah, because you're dumbass that has to resort to post editing
> >because you're full of shit.
> DSL, huh? Well even on the slowest DSL connection, which is around 32
> KB per second, it should only take about 30 seconds for the whole site
> to load...maybe you ought to think about RITALIN, Fool.

Why fuck around for 32 seconds when I can go to a page that isn't made
by a tard?

> >> You're quickly becoming the minority, Junior...
> >>
> >>
> >> Nobody cares about you. *shrugs*
> >>
> >> Making cutting edge sites often means giving the finger to lessers
> >> like you...which the majority of us gladly do.
> >If I need something that requires an age requirement of 8 or less, I'll
> >drop you a line.
> Keep your pedo fantasies to yourself, Jeffey.

Jeffey's that way -------->

Hey, you made the site, so if I'm a pedo, what the fuck does that make

> >> >I didn't even stick
> >> >around to wait for your battleship battle thingy and I actually wanted
> >> >to see it, because I didn't want to wait 3 minutes on a DSL connection
> >> >for the thing to load up. Unless you have javascript and flash enabled,
> >> >you can't even look at the site anyway.
> >> Well unless you're apart of the 10% of retards that has Javascript
> >> disabled I don't see how it's a problem...well not for me anyway.
> >Nice of you to call several million people retards.
> Well roughly 1% of the US population is mentally retarded at any given
> time, which works out to about 3 million retards just within the
> it's not really "nice" of me so much as it is a "fact",
> Retard.

Nice to see you have so much company. Now here, you've been a good
dancing monkey so take these crayons and go sit in the corner. Try not
to eat them again.

> >Way to direct people to a site. Especially on usenet, where more than
> >a few people surf without JS.
> One of my sites is listed on Wiki, NONE of your sites are nor will any
> of your sites EVER be listed on I guess what I'm doing is
> alright, Retard.

Yeah, if you want to look like a creepy fag.

> >> >That's not good. You make a neato picture. That alone doesn't make for a
> >> >good site.
> >> Stupid, you don't even HAVE a "good site", let alone know what makes a
> >> good site.
> >
> Oh hey, check out his link to Wiki! LOL, teh poor fools jealousy is
> certainly showing.

Um...again, why would I be jealous of you?

The link to wikipedia is on there so people can look stuff up through
another forum if they want. It's another link, nothing more. Hey, how
come you're not giving me shit over, or the
Daily Kos Website?

Oh yeah, because you don't look like a creepy fag in either of them.

> >Better than your piece of crap page that takes forever to load.
> Keep whining, my sites will keep getting listed in Wiki.

A site and it's not a listing I'd want in the first place.

> >You can feel free to use a little CSS for positioning at any time. Putz.
> ...I do, Putz. Yeesh, do you even KNOW what CSS are?

Of course I do.

> >> Split form image
> >> techniques often require the use of PNG alpha transparencies in order
> >> to pull them off...again though, this is something you have absolutely
> >> no understanding of AT ALL, so I wouldn't expect you to grasp.
> >I don't need to worry about it. I have a pictures I can use no matter
> >what browser people use.
> Yeah, pictures nobody wants to look at.

Well, they're not carebears so of course you don't want to see them.

> >And yet, I don't know shit about webdesign. Okaaaaaay tard, whatever you
> >say.
> You're the one who posted the extent of your "skills", Geoshities boi:

Yeah, how dare I put up a functional page that people don't have to wait
forever for. Silly fucking me!

> LOL, I should get your stain wiped off the face of the net like I did
> to lil Poofter. ^_^

My page pisses off Matty so bad he wants to netkkkop it.


> >> Does it hurt to be as DUMB as you? Don't you comprehend that
> >> different browsers/operating systems handle image gamma differently?
> >>
> >>
> >Who gives a shit?
> Well, web designers and web artists, for one, Jeffey.

I hate to break it you, retardation boi, but I'm not Jeffey.

And you're neither.

> >I don't because I don't need to.
> Well not if you want to keep on making shitty looking sites. ^_^

Yeah, how dare I put up pictures everyone can see without having to test
for browser.

> >> Why do your division layers need to be columns?
> >Because otherwise it'd look like a jumbled mess. Duh.
> You never do stop making an ass of yourself, do you?

You meant 'making an ass of me' and no, I don't stop making an ass of

> >> Not really much a problem for you in either even since NO ONE EVER
> >> GOES TO YOUR SITE...oh hey, people go to my sites though, despite how
> >> lacking you try and posture them. Funny that, huh? ^_^
> >I go to your site for flame fodder. It's a pretty rich resource.
> This coming from the guy who can't even figure out his way past the
> iframe...LOL...

Sorry, I don't put up pointless flash animations, so I don't really need
to use iframe.

> >I'm also doing my page for me, not for an audience.
> ...well that certainly has got to be the SADDEST failing excuse for
> having a shit looking website that I've ever seen.

As opposed to a website that looks just as simple and doesn't really do

> >I give the link for it
> >but if nobody ever clicks, that's fine. It's just a geocities link for
> >grins. I guess I could put pages about me on there but I'm pretty
> >boring.
> ...yes, yes you are.
> >> >To be honest, I wouldn't want to do the
> >> >things you do on a site. I can get my point across in quicker, more
> >> >efficient ways with content that doesn't make people want to roll their
> >> >eyes.
> >> You can't get any point across when you can't even get people to GO to
> >> your site in the first place ya fuckin goober.
> >I'm doing the page more for me than anything. It's free, with a decent
> >enough interface to code my own html. Lets me experiment on a webserver
> >environment for free.
> I'd hardly call Geoshities a "webserver environment", Kiddo. Yeesh,
> you sound as bad as Poofter!

First "Jeffey", now "Poofter".

Do you ever stop obsessing?

> >> You seem to keep forgetting that I have more than one site, Stupid.
> >> The main Backwater site is more of a portal to all my other sites,
> >> that's the purpose it serves, it doesn't need to do any bullshit or
> >> hoo ha.
> >Why isn't your almighty carebears site listed on there then?
> It is listed on the main Backwater site, you fucking doorknob.


> >> >> Wrong, Child. I KNOW that I know more than you, I never claimed to be
> >> >> the all ending definitive source on web coding...but I've certainly
> >> >> done things that NO ONE in the field has ever done before.
> >>
> >> >You're not the only person to use flash ever.
> >>
> >> Where did I claim I was?
> >
> >Oh, so you only act like it then.
> More like, that's how you perceive me and you're lashing out at that
> perception as a means of trying to deal with your shameful sense of
> personal failure that haunts you every time you sit down in front the
> of the computer and start to doubt yourself. Like I said before, you
> should just give the fuck up now and go into something else, cause you
> just don't have what it takes to make it in the tech industry.

Yeah, I'll get right on that because some spastic idiot on usenet giving
me shit is the sole source of authority as to who belongs and doesn't
belong in the tech industry.

> It's
> sad that your advisors are too incapable of seeing it...although with
> as boring as you are, I guess they probably just don't care. ^_^

I'd like to see you take a couple of my classes. You'd have dropped by
now and probably with a good riddance too.

> >> Oh boy, there's that iframe molestation again. Seriously Junior,
> >> what's with the hard on for iframes? I mean, it's an iframe, it's
> >> like you're bitching about an alt tag or an image tag, it's just a
> >> tag, Stupid, it's not some mystical HTML sekrat weapon or something,
> >> ya fuckin goober.
> >Apparently, it is, since it's pretty much all you do.
> Yeah, the iframe is the mystical l33t ninja web code that can drive
> your site from looking like shit to looking like teh AWESOME! You
> will never master it though little grasshopper, you will never know
> the sound of one hand clapping.

I already showed how you can make links and then make the content in the
iframe show up based on the link you clicked.

Google's your friend, go look it up.

> >> >You made a background picture
> >> >that resizes itself. Okay but it's just a background picture.
> >> Sorry, Stupid, but it's not the just the background, it's EVERY IMAGE
> >Ooooh! End of flamewar, man!!! You be's the gratenest thing EVARRRR !!
> It's sad that you think you're being sarcastic.

It's sad that you think that highly of yourself.

> >Idiot. If it's so great, why do I have to hit refresh to see it?
> ...because you're slow?

I'm slow because your shit doesn't work right the first time?

> >> Leave it to a fucking retarded deficient like you to think
> >> it was just the background resizing itself, LOL, ANYBODY could do
> >> that, you stupid Goober.
> >I don't sweat shit like that. I have a page that looks like
> >Bold step, I know, but I'm satisfied with the results so far.
> I said before, you don't have what it takes. Free
> cl00...spend less time talking and more time pushing your skills to
> try and "prove me wrong"...cause all the talking in the world isn't
> going to make your ONLY site look like any less of a fucking joke.

You're not really one to talk, carebears site and mad hatter "blog", now
with non-working calendar.

> >>
> >Way to keep your content at nice breezy zero. I bet that makes for easy
> >updating.
> Why would a design prototype need content, you fucking MORON.

Not even token links that don't do anything?

Nice prototype.

> >> Of course, as out of it as you are you probably can't even tell me WHY
> >> the image parts are split apart like that. Free cl00, if they
> >> weren't, the overall site size would be THREE TIMES what it currently
> >> is. You see kiddo, it's not enough to be able to just "make a pretty
> >> picture", you have to know how to properly encode and split apart
> >> images to achieve the best compression, this however requires highly
> >> specialized web coding in order to put it all back together.
> >No, it requires graphic arts skill.
> Again, this is why you'll never make it in the tech industry.
> >> Oh, coincidentally, there are only a VERY small number of people who
> >> actually have all those skills. And I hate to break this to ya, but
> >> it's NOT something you can learn in any school that I'm aware of.
> >You have *some* skill. You make a pretty picture. Well, except for that
> >crappy 2600 one.
> ...maybe I'll do to you what I did to Poofter, you know, when I gave
> him the choice of admitting that I was his better and he couldn't code
> for shit...or if he didn't I'd wipe his stain of a site right off the
> face of reality...which I did.

Again, Matty threatens my little page that nobody should ever notice
because it threatens his vastly overinflated self-perceptions.

> >> >Chances are nobody will even notice
> >> That's generally the idea, you want the inner workings to appear
> >> seamless. In the end it doesn't matter because only the people who
> >> gots teh skillz can replicate the end effect, despite how easy a
> >> stupid n00b like you thinks it is. Let me put it another
> >> not competition. ^_^
> >1) I'm not in the walla walla area
> As if that has anything to do with it.
> >2) I helped some dude with his java project by explaining abstraction.
> WOW, abstraction, boy now THERE'S a tough concept!

This space provided to let Matty lecture all the kiddies on abstraction:



Hop to it.

> >Fuck you do today?
> Started work on this:
> Oh, I win! ^_^

I like how it takes over a minute to download on DSL.

I like even better how it doesn't even fucking play right.

> >> >because they'll be too busy looking at other
> >> >stuff on the site. It's nifty but in the big scheme of things, has a
> >> >minimal impact on your site's viewership.
> >>
> >> Content is nothing without an appealing interface.
> >Not true.
> Again, this is why you'll never make it in the tech industry.
> Packaging is EVERYTHING.

Bzzzt. But thanks for playing.

> >> Well technically I don't either, I used SwishMax...lil harder to use
> >> since a lot of stuff doesn't work in preview mode, so you have to know
> >> what you're doing. Essentially it's like programming with no debug
> >> mode, it either works on export or it doesn't, if it doesn't, you're
> >> forced to go through and figure it out for yourself the hard way.
> >Sounds like you make a lot of work for yourself.
> In that I'm not using anyone else's templates or wizards and I'm
> making unique sites...yeah.

Oh they're unique alright.

> >> >Oh, it's centered in the middle of the page too.
> >> >
> >> >
> Oh, BTW, your site isn't centered vertically, it just spills down from
> the top of the browser and keeps going ALL the way to the bottom. I
> especially like how when you scroll to the bottom of your site...yeah,
> where did the nav go? LOL, it's too bad you can't figure out
> iframes...or at the very least dynamically positioned division layers.

Well, considering I'm using it for an image dump, who the fuck cares?

> >> One, it's not in Flash, two, that's not a custom interface you stupid
> >> n00b. Change all the graphics on the video functions like nyah:
> >>
> >Why? It's an embedded windows media player. It's *supposed* to look like
> >that.
> Why would you want it to look like Microsoft made it when you can make
> it look like YOU made it. Why ruin your style by letting theirs
> invade?

Because it's the embedded media player itself and not some half-assed
representation of it?

Noodles Jefferson
mhm31x9 Smeeter#29 WSD#30
sTaRShInE_mOOnBeAm aT HoTmAil dOt CoM

"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching."
--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.



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