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Re: problem fetching value of <input type="text"...

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 10/02/10 11:33

Steve Pugh wrote:
> Smugsboy wrote:
>>Got a problem here, hope someone can help.
>>I want to fetch edit box's (<input type="text"...) value string upon
>>change. What I do is I attach handler to the onkeypress event. I have
>>two issues with this:
>>1. When the onkeypress handler executes I do not get the latest char
>>that was pressed (if the 't' char for "cat" was pressed I'll only get
>>"ca"), this is true for both IE & Firefox. Is there any solution to
>>this ? I need a solution that will work both on IE & Firefox.
> Depends on the order of events I suppose. Looks like the keypress event
> takes place before the content of the input is changed. the onkeypress
> event isn't really the best tool for the job...
>>2. Is there a more through event I should attach to ? because using
>>only the onkeypress I miss copy-paste operations.
> onchange

'onchange' with fire after user presses 'enter' or leaves the field as
with an 'onblur'. Sounds like the behavior that the OP seeks is
'onkeyup' which fires AFTER the key is pressed. My understanding is
'onkeyup' has checkered support...others may have more info on the subject.

Take care,




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