Posted by cwdjrxyz@yahoo.com on 10/12/26 11:33
wr wrote:
> How can i open few songs, one after another??
If you are speaking of songs on a web page, redirector files allow
playing as many songs as you wish in sequence. A .wax redirector file
works for the WMP, a .ram redirector file works for the Real player,
and .mu3 redirector files often are used for playing mp3s. These
redirector files can contain the URLs of as many songs as you wish, but
the structure of the .wax file is a bit different from the other
mentioned two. There are some examples of multi-song redirector files
for the WMP and Real players on my media pages that can be reached at
http://www.cwdjr.info/media/playersRoot.php .
Both .mu3 and .ram redirector files are just lists of the complete URLs
of the songs, one on each line. The .wax redirector file has an xml
structure, but it is simple to write once you see an example. An
example for 2 songs is given in the WMP discussion on my media pages
The server must have the correct mime types for the file types used
installed, but often this is already the case. If not, installing the
mime types usually is fairly simple if you are allowed to do so
yourself or if the person in control of the server will do it for you.
The mime types used are given in my reference.
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