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Exposing An Email Coward

Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 10/16/94 11:33

A coward by the name of "Phil" who has a shitty site that he likes to
ass rape the drop shadow filter on: wrote
the following bullshit in an email to me:

>> >> A toy, huh? The most powerful post production editing tool in
>> >> existence is a toy, is it?

> dude.. get some real tools. You're cracking us up here. Everyone is laughing
> at you.

dude.. hire someone to redesign your site for you. You're cracking us
up here. Everyone is laughing at you.

> Ever used Combustion? AE? Probably not.

....well I use AfterEffects all the time kiddo...but uh, not for
deinterlacing. Do you even KNOW what deinterlacing is? Yeesh, what a
fuckin doorknob you are.

>Or you wouldn't be so fascinated with a toy. A toywithout any real user interface.. Yeah.. that's real pro.

Actually yeah, it is, the toy is the one with the pretty lil interface
for the dribbling dumbass who doesn't know how to code his own
filter/encoding scripts...not that Avisynth is in ANY WAY related to
Combustion or AE, basically you're trying to compare apples to
oranges...I guess because you're just an idiot. *shrugs*

> Sorry.. my site and its content are soo poor it is not worth another trip.

I fixed yer typo!

> In the woods where you are they may have 'media specialists' but in the real
> world they're just called editors.
> Though the job now entails compression DVD authoring and web delivery for
> those on the lower end of the ladder.. they're still simply editors.

This from the rotard who thinks he's using AfterEffects for
deinterlacing video. *rolls eyes*

> You don' have any repeat clients.

....actually the majority of my clients are repeat clients. LOL, have
you even BEEN to my site, Stupid?

>> Do the Care Bears scare you? It's okay, they're not real you know.

> No. but I doubt I would use that as an example of any work. Care Bears..
> LOL!

....why wouldn't you use that as an example? The Care Bears are a
quarter century old, multi-BILLION dollar franchise, you dribbling

>> >There isn't a single Post Facility in all of Los
>> >Angeles or New York that uses Avisynth for shit.

>> You've called up every single post production facility in all of LA
>> and New York, huh?

> No.. I work in them. Something you will never do. Unless you learn to use
> some real tools. But no one would hire you.

D00d, yer site is in yer email address, so why don't you stop trying
to lie, mmmkay? The closest you've ever come to a "real studio" is
yer fuckin basement:

>>.well here's a question for a
>> "professional" level application that can be used for frameserving
>> video. Oh hey, this is the part where you get to look stupid!

> Frameserving video? Who give a shit about that in Post? I thought you said
> it was a post production tool/.
> If you want an explanation of Post Production you may want to google that.

You seem to have a major deficiency when it comes to comprehending the
difference between post production EDITING and post production

> Yes.. and you are world famous in Backwater, Doucheville.

That Care Bear site you love to whine about so listed on

How many of YOUR sites are listed on Wiki? Yeah, none. Oh hey, guess
why! ^_^


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹



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