You are here: Re: I WANT IT! « HTML « IT news, forums, messages

Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 12/04/05 09:14

On 3 Dec 2005 05:16:58 -0800, "-hh" <>

>> BTW, you seem to be confusing "spellign" with slang...

>Yeah, right: I'll remember that the next fifteen times that you write
>"Whose" when you should have actually written "Who's".

....why do I need to concern myself with spelling and grammar when I
have you to act as my personal online secretary?

>> >You were the one bragging about how long you had been online, not I.
>> >Frankly, I'd prefer that you never pay up the $100, just so I can keep
>> >on rubbing your piggly wiggly nose in it.

>> Uh oh...

>And enjoying it, welcher. Matty Boy is ready to use the Internet for
>commerce when someone wants to pay him for his graphics skills, but it
>becomes a "I have no responsibilities" fantasyland when things aren't
>going his way.

Seriously kiddo, go to this site:

Remember, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road
to recovery.

>> Seriously, what's next, are you gonna start frothing at the mouth and
>> screaming about how you're gonna come and try to "beat me up"?

>Seriously, I have no need to: you've already been whipped with words
>and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

D00d, yer a n00b.job, why do you try to deny it? It's not about how
long you've been posting, it's about how many posts you've made, how
much of an impact you've had on net.society, whether you accept Netter
culture and stop acting like an RL fuck job.

>Well, you could actually honor the original bet, but you don't consider that to be an

You REALLY want that 100 quatloos, dontcha Gamblin Boi? One can
practically taste the salty little butter ball tears rolling down the
sides of yer fat lil chubby cheeks as you cwy to mommy about it.

>> LOL...yer such a idiot.

>And you're still a rookie punk.

And you're still talkin shit with nothin to back it the fuck up with,

>> >Your loss. Literally.

>> Not at all, sharing and doing a lot of pro bono work actually helps
>> you gain a lot more of course, any good graphic designer knows that.

>You're off base.

That's cause I was using your head as a ball and just knocked it out
of the fuckin park.

>While I do agree with you in general principle - -

Oh ho, how does that humble pie taste, a lil bitter?

>the Internet (and historically, USENET in particular) allows for great
>personal growth because of its open trusting and sharing culture - -

....Usenet is nothing even REMOTELY close to a "trusting"
culture...well unless maybe you're some stupid RL n00b.job who falls
for 411 scams.

>As such, yes, collaborate and do low cost work, but always hold your
>cards back and protect your Intellectual Property rights from virtually
>Day One.

Stupid, there are only like a handful of people ON THE PLANET who
could even attempt to replicate a lot of the work I've done...what the
fuck do I care about IP rights when I'm one of the only people capable
of producing the end results? And if it reaches a point where other
people are able to emulate those results...hey, I'm laggin behind, I
better start puttin that bar up on a higher level.

Like I said though...

Where's yours? Where's anybody's? I mean, come on, this is being
posted to two MAJOR graphic design froups and no doubt being picked up
and reposted across dozens of web forum Usenet slurp where
is the competition? Oh yeah, THERE ISN'T least not around

>Even if it is nothing more than putting a Copyright (C) on
>some graphic you're going to give away. don't need to put any sort of "(C)" on anything to make it
copyright, it simply *IS* copyrighted, it is inherent.

>You never know where your
>stuff may end up without your permission - - including in the hands of
>some company who can easily have afforded to have paid top dollar for

What the fuck do I care, I'm an artist, not a "professional". Yeesh,
what are you goin all Jew on me now? OY VEY!

*Hatter sings, "If I was a rich man..."*

>Businesses are in business to make money. That means that by
>deifnition, they're compelled to try to rip you off.

Wow, now that's an interesting business ethic.

>> What's wrong with homemade Macaroni and Cheese?

>Bon Appetite.

I'd share some with you, but you seem to have plenty of Top Ramen to
keep you satisfied.

>> >> Designs and effects aren't covered by copyright law, Stupid.

>> LOL, yeah okay kid, why don't you go ahead
>> and tell us all of a SINGLE graphic design concept which is
>> patented...go ahead, just ONE. ROTFL `, D

>United States Patent Application: 0040055446 is for the gaphical design
>of the Apple iPod. Here's a short discussion for you to grok:

That's a DESIGN PATENT, you ignorant fuck, not a GRAPHIC DESIGN
patent...holy fuck yer an idiot!

The iPod doesn't even HAVE any graphic design, it's PLAIN WHITE, you
fucking moron. Are you claiming that Apple patented the PLAINT WHITE
design? *shakes head*

Holy shit yer an idiot!

>FWIW, I'm not sure if this is the same patent application that an
>examiner rejected in July 05, based on Microsoft developer John Platt
>beating them in filing by five months.
>But of course, you want approvved patents, not applications. Here's a
>United States Patent 6,731,312 (May 4, 2004) Media player interface

Do you actually bother to READ any of these? I mean, OH MY GAWD:

"A computer readable medium contains media player application code
which implements the procedures of generating in a user interface an
application window having a window frame and a plurality of stiles to
define a plurality of panes within said frame, displaying in a first
one of said panes a user selectable index of a plurality of media
files, displaying in a second one of said first selected information
for said media files, and displaying in a third one of said panes
second selected information for said media files."

....that's not a GRAPHIC DESIGN, you stupid moronic FUCK...of course,
neither are any of these...

>United States Patent D462,076 (August 27, 2002) User interface for
>computer display
>United States Patent D473,236 (April 15, 2003) User interface for
>computer display
>United States Patent D510,581 (October 11, 2005) User interface for
>computer display

Do you even KNOW what GRAPHIC DESIGN is, you idiot?

>> >> I thought you said I copied and "stole" the design...

>> >With the caveat that yours was a "LAME" attempt.

>> Guess again, Junior...yer a lil slow, and I'm a 10 on improving the
>> original:

>Oh gosh, that's a big improvement! :-)

Post editing to try and avoid humiliation eh? Here, I'll put back in
the part that makes you all pissy:

Regarding the CB image though...yeah, I'd say a 10 on improving the
original there too:

Although I can't take too much credit there, when that original
graphic was made there was no such thing as the world wide web, let
alone Photoshop or Paint Shop.

>> I might add some cross cuts in the white splotch overlay on the glass
>> to give it an even more realistic look.

>(Damn, here I go offering sincere advice again to an asshole): my
>constructive suggesion would be to get rid of the background image for
>the time being - - it only serves to conceal your desgin flaws in the
>quality of the button's 3D topology illusion.

The 3D buttons are flawless, Stupid:

Like I said, yer a lil slow.

>> Now let's see YOUR renditions. He, he, kids can sure talk
>> shit, but when it comes to steppin the fuck up with finished
>> all fall down. `, )

>Sorry; my media is photography.

Yeah, sure it is, Spin Boi. Be careful, you don't know how much I
know about photography, you wouldn't want to fuck up and look stupid
all over again, now would you? ^_^

>But you should already know what the
>social rules are, for they're quite simple: if you don't want your
>work to be critiqued, then don't ask for it to be critiqued.

You didn't critique anything, Stupid. I said outright in the first
post I made that the buttons weren't finished and needed enhanced, you
then parroted what I wrote, made a big stink in your pants in then
when all around acting *SO* proud about which point I suddenly
released the new version, which I ALREADY SAID I was going to make and
then, oh, you snipped and ran like the fucking little coward that you


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹



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