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Re: PPI vs DPI

Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 12/06/05 10:45

On 6 Dec 2005 05:28:38 GMT, Spaulding Greystoke
<> wrote:

>> After Chet posted this anyway:
>> "Seriously, you stupid fucks. Quick posting in here you dumb retarded
>> fucks. And don't reply to this with your excuses. Just shut the fuck
>> up."
>> LOL

>That is very impressive, Hatter. 'Chet' may be dumber than you are.

No one is as dumb as you, Kiddo. Chet had no choice, the traffic I
was incurring was choking his server to death, it simply couldn't
handle the Hatter effect. `, )

>> Seriously kid, when was the last time you got a board owner as big as
>> Chet to froth and scream like that?

>I had Slashdot admins calling my house.

Probably to tell your mother that they were worried her handicapped
son was being naughty on the Internet again.

>> Yeah, never. When was the last
>> time you got a board owner to sever his left arm off, obliterating a
>> multi-thousand post FORUM just to try and shut you up because the
>> traffic you were incurring was choking their server to death? Yeah,
>> never.

>Better yet, I had trolling their own board in my name.
>See April 1, 2000, I think it was?, WOW, there's a real happ'nin board. *snicker*

>Message boards are way too easy, of course.

....actually they're generally harder because teh peeps can put up more
of a fight as far as trying to ban you and so forth...of course
there's tactics for that, but it's not as easy as it is on Usenet
where people simply can't do anything about you other than putting on
blinders...which is proven time and time again to be highly
ineffective. Peeps on Usenet also generally tend to have thicker skin
than your average tweenage muppet fuck webbie.

>> Get the fuck outta here, N00b, you ain't even on my level. And just
>> because I'm taking the time to xpost to your filth ridden shit hole of
>> a froup doesn't mean I'm sharing any of my new toys (teh graphics
>> froups and the Mac addict froup). Go get your own play things, you
>> fuckin wannabe.

>And you honestly think the above represents good trolling?

Kids like you troll yourselves out of stupidity, you don't need any
help from me.

>Did you already back down from your silly 'ppi' = 'dpi' claim?

Unfortunately no one seems to be able to formulate a counter to my two

Tsch, tsch, tsch...such a disappointment, I guess there's just no
fight left in them. ^_^


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹



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