Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 12/07/05 16:38
Shank wrote:
>> Since Kim has explained that it is certainly possible, and since you
>> didn't volunteer any information as to the (other) reason you want
>> to remotely submit someone else's form, we will have to deduce that
>> your intentions are indeed nefarious.
>> Unless of course you reply and give a reasonable explanation.
>>> thanks
> You are right. I sent this right after Kim's post, but it did not get
> posted. Trying again...
>>> Serves them right to try to mess with me<<
> <LOL> OK... for all that, I can explain a bit more. I am part of a
> membership that must actively participate in a website every week.
Oh, ok then. It's only slightly nefarious. :-)
> Because I don't have the time, I've written a macro that interacts
> with the website as needed. However, on the login page, I can tab to
> the submit button and issue and <enter> key. For whatever reason,
> this does not work about 20% of the time. I don't know why. I just
> thought if I hard-coded a URL, it would solve the problem.
Is this anything similar to a parolee who must check in with the parole
officer every week? <g>
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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