Posted by Toby Inkster on 12/11/05 22:07
=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 505 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Dec 4 21:01:05 2005
Latest article: Sun Dec 11 20:02:07 2005
Original articles: 51, replies: 454
Total size of posts: 1,151,502 bytes (1,124 kbytes) (1.10 Mbytes)
Average 72 articles per day, 0.16 Mbytes per day, 2,280 bytes per article
Total headers: 562 kbytes, bodies: 561 kbytes
Body: quoted 276 kbytes, original 251 kbytes = 47.63%, sigs 33 kbytes
Total number of posters: 137, average 8,405 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 76, average 15,151 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 24
==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
1: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................................. 47
2: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 33
3: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 22
4: dorayme ........................................................ 18
5: Mark Parnell ................................................... 16
6: David Dorward .................................................. 15
7: Els ............................................................ 13
8: Neredbojias .................................................... 12
9: Dylan Parry .................................................... 9
10: mbstevens ...................................................... 9
11: JDS ............................................................ 9
12: Moneypenny ..................................................... 9
13: Steve Pugh ..................................................... 9
14: Chris Beall .................................................... 8
15: Toby Inkster ................................................... 8
16: Noodles Jefferson .............................................. 8
17: Ed Jay ......................................................... 8
18: Spaulding Greystoke ............................................ 7
19: Michael Winter ................................................. 6
20: Leonard Blaisdell .............................................. 6
======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Onideus Mad Hatter ............. 60 41 46 0 148
2: Luigi Donatello Asero .......... 42 24 10 3 80
3: Noodles Jefferson .............. 9 22 11 2 44
4: Jonathan N. Little ............. 24 8 7 2 43
5: dorayme ........................ 20 7 7 0 35
6: Toby Inkster ................... 5 1 23 1 31
7: Mark Parnell ................... 22 2 3 0 30
8: Els ............................ 15 7 3 1 27
9: Spaulding Greystoke ............ 7 14 3 1 26
10: David Dorward .................. 13 3 3 1 22
11: Chris Beall .................... 10 6 4 0 20
12: mbstevens ...................... 14 3 2 0 20
13: JDS ............................ 13 1 3 1 20
14: Drew ........................... 7 6 3 0 18
15: Neredbojias .................... 9 3 2 0 16
16: Steve Pugh ..................... 9 2 3 0 16
17: Ed Jay ......................... 7 5 2 0 15
18: Stan McCann .................... 7 2 3 1 14
19: Al Dunbar ...................... 2 4 6 0 13
20: Michael Winter ................. 6 0 4 0 12
================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
1: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................................. 46
2: Toby Inkster ................................................... 23
3: Noodles Jefferson .............................................. 11
4: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 10
5: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 7
6: dorayme ........................................................ 7
7: Al Dunbar ...................................................... 6
8: harold ......................................................... 5
9: Curtis ......................................................... 5
10: Michael Winter ................................................. 4
=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Toby Inkster ................................... 1 25 90
2: Michael Winter ................................. 0 5 77
3: Dylan Parry .................................... 0 3 62
4: Curtis ......................................... 3 8 58
5: Steve Pugh ..................................... 2 6 57
6: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................. 41 88 52
7: JDS ............................................ 1 6 52
8: Mark Parnell ................................... 2 7 51
9: Yogi_Bear_79 ................................... 2 5 47
10: dorayme ........................................ 7 15 47
==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Ed ............................................. 4 4 13
2: Spaulding Greystoke ............................ 14 19 18
3: Hywel Jenkins .................................. 2 3 24
4: Els ............................................ 7 12 25
5: chris .......................................... 3 4 26
6: Arne ........................................... 2 4 27
7: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................... 24 38 27
8: Ed Jay ......................................... 5 7 28
9: Noodles Jefferson .............................. 22 35 30
10: Drew ........................................... 6 10 35
==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
1: DIV overlapping................................................. 77
2: I WANT IT!...................................................... 28
3: to frame or not to frame........................................ 25
4: Looking to pay for simple graphic............................... 20
5: Stopping 'Submit' by Return Key................................. 20
6: Can you use an FTP program with dial-up???...................... 16
7: A broken link preventer......................................... 16
8: validate .htaccess?............................................. 13
9: The JavaScript Planet! There are now 789 JavaScripts availabl... 13
10: span in firefox................................................. 13
11: submit form via URL............................................. 12
12: HTML 5.0........................................................ 11
13: Running a CGI Counter Script.................................... 11
14: HTML on Mac interpreted as text. Help?.......................... 10
15: PPI vs DPI...................................................... 10
16: Which free html editor?......................................... 8
17: Frame not updating properly..................................... 8
18: Tryin To Get Used To Drawing In Illustrator..................... 7
19: How?............................................................ 7
20: postioning a copy notice........................................ 7
======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: DIV overlapping................. 100 41 22 7 171
2: I WANT IT!...................... 35 39 32 2 110
3: Looking to pay for simple graph. 28 16 20 2 67
4: to frame or not to frame........ 29 8 6 2 46
5: Stopping 'Submit' by Return Key. 20 9 8 1 40
6: A broken link preventer......... 20 8 6 1 36
7: PPI vs DPI...................... 11 14 7 1 35
8: Can you use an FTP program with. 14 6 5 0 26
9: The JavaScript Planet! There ar. 15 6 3 0 25
10: validate .htaccess?............. 12 5 4 0 23
11: What's Wrong The Tech World? (a. 7 11 4 0 23
12: submit form via URL............. 12 6 4 0 23
13: ALT.HTML Statistics for 04/12/2. 0 0 21 0 22
14: HTML on Mac interpreted as text. 10 6 5 0 21
15: span in firefox................. 12 3 4 0 20
16: HTML 5.0........................ 10 2 4 1 18
17: Which free html editor?......... 9 3 4 0 17
18: Running a CGI Counter Script.... 10 2 3 1 17
19: Frame not updating properly..... 8 3 3 0 16
20: Forms........................... 12 1 2 0 16
========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
1: <43970275$0$2340$ba620dc5@text.nova.planet.nl>.................. 7
2: <4399810d$0$2342$ba620dc5@text.nova.planet.nl>.................. 6
3: <1133801651.263565.164020@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>......... 6
4: <1134197179.867757.151020@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>......... 5
5: <q48fp11b4a67rfjfp028e3d8dij6d7279h@4ax.com>.................... 5
6: <250mf.39869$d5.196266@newsb.telia.net>......................... 4
7: <eSdI7ERFWPlDFwsD@siliconglen.com>.............................. 4
8: <pan.2005.>...................... 4
9: <1133759264.566164.99270@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>.......... 4
10: <SKOdneesktzGPAjenZ2dnUVZ8qWdnZ2d@pipex.net>.................... 4
========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
1: alt.design.graphics............................................. 101
2: alt.graphics.................................................... 92
3: comp.sys.mac.advocacy........................................... 92
4: alt.2600........................................................ 91
5: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk............................. 88
6: comp.graphics.apps.photoshop.................................... 67
7: alt.flame....................................................... 50
8: alt.troll....................................................... 50
9: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html............................. 20
10: alt.www.webmaster............................................... 20
=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
1: Outlook Express................................................. 33
2: G2.............................................................. 21
3: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 13
4: Forte Agent..................................................... 9
5: 40tude Dialog................................................... 8
6: Xnews........................................................... 8
7: Mozilla......................................................... 6
8: unknown......................................................... 5
9: KNode........................................................... 5
10: Pan............................................................. 4
================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
1: Outlook Express................................................. 121
2: Forte Agent..................................................... 67
3: 40tude Dialog................................................... 48
4: Mozilla......................................................... 44
5: G2.............................................................. 39
6: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 35
7: Xnews........................................................... 25
8: KNode........................................................... 23
9: MicroPlanet Gravity............................................. 20
10: Pan............................................................. 19
======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
1: Netscape........................................ 18421 13 1417
2: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 43955 35 1255
3: Forte Agent..................................... 81863 67 1221
4: Mozilla......................................... 53350 44 1212
5: 40tude Dialog................................... 56299 48 1172
6: Pan............................................. 21990 19 1157
7: MicroPlanet-Gravity............................. 8997 8 1124
8: Outlook Express................................. 135975 121 1123
9: G2.............................................. 43137 39 1106
10: MT-NewsWatcher.................................. 11851 11 1077
===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
1: googlegroups.com................................................ 21
2: individual.net.................................................. 10
3: postmaster.news.prodigy.com..................................... 6
4: newspeer1-win.ntli.net.......................................... 5
5: news.alt.net.................................................... 4
6: nntp.comcast.com................................................ 4
7: nntp.rogers.com................................................. 3
8: news.supernews.com.............................................. 3
9: nntp.pipex.net.................................................. 3
10: hw-filter.lga................................................... 3
======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: hw-filter.lga................... 64 43 47 0 156
2: individual.net.................. 42 15 34 6 98
3: news.alt.net.................... 20 43 15 4 84
4: masternews.telia.net............ 42 24 10 3 80
5: googlegroups.com................ 42 10 17 0 70
6: 27 10 7 2 48
7: news.optusnet.com.au............ 20 7 7 0 35
8: postmaster.news.prodigy.com..... 18 7 6 0 33
9: nntp.comcast.com................ 16 7 6 0 30
10: per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net. 22 2 3 0 30
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
1: UTC............................................................. 64
2: -0800........................................................... 31
3: +0100........................................................... 15
4: -0500........................................................... 14
5: -0600........................................................... 6
6: -0700........................................................... 2
7: +1300........................................................... 2
8: +1100........................................................... 2
9: +1000........................................................... 1
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
1: UTC............................................................. 204
2: -0800........................................................... 116
3: -0500........................................................... 56
4: +0100........................................................... 53
5: +1100........................................................... 33
6: -0600........................................................... 21
7: -0700........................................................... 18
8: +1300........................................................... 2
9: +1000........................................................... 2
================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
1: Mon............................................................. 69
2: Tue............................................................. 60
3: Wed............................................................. 62
4: Thu............................................................. 74
5: Fri............................................................. 59
6: Sat............................................................. 65
7: Sun............................................................. 55
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 61
Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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