Posted by Jim Higson on 11/18/14 11:34
uranther wrote:
> SVG is nice and all, and browsers are already supporting it.
> What does that mean to me, though?
> What am I supposed to use SVG for?
Firefox 1.5 doesn't seem ready for it, but images that take up 80% of the
screen width regardless of if the user is on a mobile or 20 inch screen is
the biggest selling point for me.
I say not ready because there doesn't seem to be any simple way to scale an
SVG image using CSS yet. Setting the size of the Object is easy, but the
image inside it just stays the same. When/if the img tag supports SVG this
should be trivial.
> The only way I could use it for content relevance is if I drew
> diagrams of what I was talking about, but I don't see to be very
> common.
Logos are also good in SVG, since most are mostly simple shapes.
> Should I be using SVG for layout images? Are they larger than JPGs
> or the other obvious alternatives in file size?
Depends. For SVG, the filesize will depend on complexity of the image, but
be the same regardless of how large the image is on screen, whereas with
jpg/png/gif the filesize is related to how many pixels the image has.
Note that SVGs can be transparently served gzipped, which usually reduces
their size by about 70%. I find a gzipped SVG is about about half the size
of a realistic PNG export in most real world cases.
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