Posted by Robert Amos on 04/11/05 13:21
On Apr 11, 2005 4:06 AM, Reynier Perez Mira <rperezm@estudiantes.uci.cu> wrote:
> Well I have to cases. The fisrt case is this:
> {literal} <script language="JavaScript" src="js/validator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>{/literal}
You can't include a javascript file with {include} because smarty will
try to parse it. {fetch} will simply dump output.
However what you originally had with:
<script language="JavaScript" src="js/validator.js"
will always work fine, because its using a javascript include rather
than a smarty one. This means that its included on the client side and
goes no where near smarty. You don't need to put {literal} tags around
it though, you only use {literal} when there are {'s and }'s in your
code that you don't want smarty to parse.
There's nothing wrong with the second case from a Smarty point of
view, so if there is something not displaying correctly you might need
to seek help from someone a little more adept with Javascript.
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