Posted by Curtis on 12/18/05 08:47
Mark Simon <mark@comparity.not.example.net> wrote in message
> I see you've found a solution, so if it does the job then
it does the job.
> > Anyone know of a way to make a div autosize to its
> > background image? I realize that slows things down with
> > <img tag, that specifying size is the better route for
> > stable-looking page load speed, but it would be nice to
> > the option.
> I don't think you can without javascript (it's a trivial
exercise in
> Javascript). However, you really should use the width &
> attributes for the img tag, since that helps the browser
to optimise
> rendering the page. With information, you might as well as
apply it (via
> css) to the div.
That would put it out-of-bounds. We're committed to
Javascript-free code.
> > Well, now you went and lost me. Not hard to do, since I
> > don't know what xslt is. I'll have a Google for it, but
> > now we're happy just to make this thing basically
> > functional--we'll standardize the output to some
> > specification on a later refactor of the code.
> XML is a generalised markup language capable of marking up
all sorts of
> things. HTML has been re-formulated as a dialect of XML
and the result
> is known as XHTML.
> XHTML is somewhat fussier than HTML (all tags must be in
lower case, all
> tags must be closed properly, even empty tags, etc), but
> virtually identical. Browsers that render HTML (all of
them) will
> happily render XHTML, which is easier to interpret since
they don't have
> to bother with interpreting variations.
> Any XML can be translated to any other XML using XSLT.
> is also just a flavour of XML, it too can be translated to
any other
> XHTML. You can use this fact to, say, take some existing
> re-write it into more XHTML. For example, you could simply
take your
> images and wrap them inside divs with similar attributes.
> This is assuming that your HTML completely follows XML
structure, which
> is what XHTML does.
XSLT was the term I'm unfamiliar with. We'll have a look at
these issues before too long. Thanks, Mark.
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