Posted by Chris Hubbard on 09/30/40 11:14
Yes the function function would probably work, but I'd like to
discourage it.
In my opinion a better strategy is to use fetch
With fetch you will be maintain a consistent pattern, assign values,
parse the template to get HTML (or php that creates HTML), and then use
display on your page to show everything.
It's not that you want to include top_nav.php. It is that you want to
display the HTML nav elements that are (conditionally) built by
Use fetch to get whatever top_nav.php would have displayed (through
echo/print) and stay within the smarty boundaries.
On Apr 15, 2005, at 10:28 AM, pete M wrote:
> this might do it
> http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.php.php
> Jonathan Villa wrote:
>> I've been trying to figure this out...
>> I have header.tpl and footer.tpl
>> Within header.tpl I want to include 3 pages of logic
>> top_nav.php
>> left_nav.php
>> right_nav.php
>> I looked at include_php but read it was deprecated... and I read a
>> little about the
>> cond.. templates but that didn't work out for me... when I ran it, I
>> would an error
>> on using my $smarty instantiation... reason being, I'm not
>> instantiating smarty on
>> the actual page but that another page which get's prepended...
>> Any ideas on how to include the top without using {php}
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