Posted by Jonathan Villa on 09/30/88 11:14
Staying within Smarty boundaries is exactly what I would prefer...the smarty plugins
looked great, but I ran into the already mentioned problem.
I'll look at fetch
ideally, I want to include (fetch) the php file which pretty much finishes with
so, in summary, I want to fetch a php script which also makes use of smarty...
> Yes the function function would probably work, but I'd like to
> discourage it.
> In my opinion a better strategy is to use fetch
> (http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.fetch.php)
> With fetch you will be maintain a consistent pattern, assign values,
> parse the template to get HTML (or php that creates HTML), and then use
> display on your page to show everything.
> It's not that you want to include top_nav.php. It is that you want to
> display the HTML nav elements that are (conditionally) built by
> top_nav.php.
> Use fetch to get whatever top_nav.php would have displayed (through
> echo/print) and stay within the smarty boundaries.
> Chris
> On Apr 15, 2005, at 10:28 AM, pete M wrote:
>> this might do it
>> http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.php.php
>> Jonathan Villa wrote:
>>> I've been trying to figure this out...
>>> I have header.tpl and footer.tpl
>>> Within header.tpl I want to include 3 pages of logic
>>> top_nav.php
>>> left_nav.php
>>> right_nav.php
>>> I looked at include_php but read it was deprecated... and I read a
>>> little about the
>>> cond.. templates but that didn't work out for me... when I ran it, I
>>> would an error
>>> on using my $smarty instantiation... reason being, I'm not
>>> instantiating smarty on
>>> the actual page but that another page which get's prepended...
>>> Any ideas on how to include the top without using {php}
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