Posted by Ron Clark on 01/05/05 16:20
On Tue, 4 Jan 2005, Richard Davey wrote:
> Hello Ron,
> Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 5:59:31 PM, you wrote:
> RC> You then do <%=filen%> to go back into ASP to get the value of the
> RC> variable into the HTML code that you wrote. ASP is not including the file,
> RC> it is only supplying a file name for SSI includes whether apache SSI or
> RC> IIS SSI. The server parsing the HTML recognizes the HTML comment is
> RC> sentax for server side include and includes the suppplied file name.
> Perhaps this is a better example for you:
> script1.asp
> <%
> StrName = "bob"
> %>
> script2.asp
> <!--#include file="script1.asp"-->
> <%
> Response.Write "Hello " & StrName
> %>
> Clearer now? I understand what you're saying perfectly, but in the
> context of ASP scripts I am afraid it's wrong.
> Best regards,
> Richard Davey
> --
With this new example you are still using SSI from the web server to
include an ASP file. ASP itself is not including the file.
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