Posted by Blinky the Shark on 12/26/05 21:00
David Segall wrote:
> I sometimes I post or email a link to a page on my web site. I would
> like to make it as short as possible but don't want to use
> <http://tinyurl.com/>. I would prefer to put the ultimate location for
> all the likely places on one html page. Ideally it the link would be
> something like "mystite.com#gohere". Any suggestions?
I don't know if this is useful for you, but if you register at
http://snipurl.com, you can name your shortened links (and they're saved
in your account, where you can see hit stats, change the name, etc.).
So you could have:
....and so on. Tinyurl domain, but with your custom names.
Reg is free and not invasive, and I've never seen any spam from them.
It's a nice service.
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