Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 12/27/05 19:17
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Leszek" <leszekt80
@poczta.onet.pl> writing in news:doguge$quq$1@news.onet.pl:
> Hi.
> Is it possible to make a select lst of all countries in the world?
> Is there a list of countries i could download and place it in my form?
> thanx
> Leszek
I use the ISO country codes in my database, and pull the country
name/codes from there <http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-
In addition to what others have said, if you are going to make a drop
down list of countries, and your users are usually in a specific country
(ie American Loyalty Card), then have that country as the first choice.
<select name="country">
<option value="">Select Country</option>
<option value="255">United States</option>
<!-- loop through the database here -->
You can also do some best guessing looking at the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.
That's what Google does in determining which interface to serve. For
instance, if your accept language is French, Google will serve pages in
French. Mind you, it's definately not fool proof.
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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