Posted by Len Philpot on 12/29/05 15:11
In article
invalid@invalid.invalid says...
> >against them. However, I like the idea of a unchanging, non-scrolling
> >nav bar to one side of the page, with the content free to do it's thing
> >on the other side (personal preference).
> For a www site your personal preferences should be irrelevant, it should
> be aimed at users.
Well, that preference was stated from the viewpoint /as/ a user, not an
author. :-) I look at design decisions based on how I want it to
/operate/, not how I want the building process to go.
To me, a nav pane that out of sight is basically useless, since it
forces me to go to the browser controls anyway instead of using the
supplied page links.
> >Except it doesn't work in IE, which apparently doesn't
> >recognize 'fixed'. 'absolute', 'static', etc., etc., don't give the
> >desired results. Both parts scroll together, either side by side, or one
> >renders ahead of the other.
> IE6 doesn't support position:fixed, JS hacks exist to emulate similar
> functionality, but they are cumbersome to use (high CPU usage when
> scrolling), and it's jerky.
You mean "IE 7" ?
> No. HTML embedded with an object element opens a new viewport inside an
> existing document in which a complete HTML document should be loaded,
> not a code fragment. Since it's an independent viewport, for example
> clicking a link in that viewport will open inside that viewport, not the
> parent viewport.
OK. Thanks.
> >The reason I say without SSI is that this is just a
> >hobby page and my ISP doesn't provide any SSI (nor Perl, JS, php, etc.)
> >for the defacto ("free") web hosting with standard accounts.
> Then your options are:
> a) Use a preprocessor
> b) Use an editor with a good block S&R
> c) Build your site locally from a database that generates static files
....or to play devil's advocate :
d) Use frames
However, I'm still thinking about that. It's a tradeoff - If this were a
commercial site, the requirements would be a bit more stringent than for
a personal hobby site.
-- Len Philpot -> len@philpot.org <--
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