Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 01/04/06 09:27
On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 01:16:48 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero
<jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> wrote:
> "Barbara de Zoete" <b_de_zoete@hotmail.com> skrev i meddelandet
> news:op.s2ttx8k1x5vgts@zoete_b...
[ on Opera as a browser to test your pages in and validate them through ]
>>> Which are the technical requirements?
>> Google for that, or take a shortcut and go to Opera's site.
> Fine. Please remember that you never need answer my questions if you do
> not
> want to.
You little arrogant twit (and if you take that personally, it is intended
to be). You don't read these newsgroups, you're not prepared to do some
very simple examination of your own, when very clearly pointed to a good
resource in a normal and valuable direct answer to one of your questions.
You're just a lazy kid who wants a free ride on other peoples knowlegde.
No thanks, bye. Enjoy your life.
,-- --<--@ -- PretLetters: 'woest wyf', met vele interesses: ----------.
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|zweefvliegen | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/vliegen.html |
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