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Re: Need a list of font faces

Posted by Jose on 10/09/51 11:36

> I just want one font for my page to use throughout

Then don't specify one.


The browser will use whateve font the =user= has specified as the one he
or she prefers. If the user doesn't not have an explicit preference,
then the browser will use its own default (which has been keeping the
user happy).

This is the way HTML was designed.

I suspect you might consider it a downside that it would be a different
font for different users. (for example, a user that has eye problems
and has specified a large bold sanserif font would see the site
differently from a playful user who has set the default font to be
something flowery). Each user is happy.

Why do you want to make both of these users unhappy by foisting a
different font upon them?

You can choose whom to befriend, but you cannot choose whom to love.
for Email, make the obvious change in the address.



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