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Re: Link checker

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/05/42 11:36

Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:

> "Jonathan N. Little" <> skrev i meddelandet
> news:43bee343$0$24128$
>>Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>>>I tried to check up this page by the link checker
>>>I do not understand why the first 2 links
>>>give 404.
>>FWIW what is this code near the top of your page?
>><your code>
>><p><a href="#innehall"> <img
>>src="" alt="Vänligen gå
>>direkt till huvudinnehåll" height="1" width="1"></a></p>
>></your code>
>>A 1 pixel image link that, by the way, goes to a fragment "innehall"
>>that does *not* exist on the page.
> It was the other 2 links I was talking about not the one containing
> ="#innehall which I have not fixed yet.

I understand it was the other links with respect to the link validator's
output. I was just trying to understand the purpose of this which I
discovered while checking for the other...

> --
> Luigi Donatello Asero

P.S. Notice your signature is in the reply? That is not my Mozilla, it
is due to your signature marker is missing the 'space'. Proper format is:


Take care,




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