Posted by Jose on 01/07/06 18:25
> When a web site offers me a PDF file, it's entirely *my* choice
> whether I choose to open it within a browser window (plugin), in a
> separate window (PDF viewer invoked as helper application), or
> download it to disk for later perusal.
That's not how Netscape 7.2 works. If I don't specify anything in the
website, and click on a link with N7.2, the PDF opens in the browser
window, taking forever as all the pieces of acrobat load, and preventing
me from saying "Nooooo! Stop it!" and going back to the original page.
(Well, I can say it but it won't do any good!). Having done this too
many times, I was motivated to find away to avoid injuring other
viewers, and opening a new window (which can be closed instantly if the
user didn't really mean to waken Acrobat from its slumber) was the
lesser evil.
Interestingly, an excel file opens Excel if browsed from Netscape, but
it opens from within an IE window by default, which means that some
viewers are stuck with browser chrome, and others are not.
You can choose whom to befriend, but you cannot choose whom to love.
for Email, make the obvious change in the address.
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