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Re: SuSE and Mandriva (Was: Adsense Gadget)

Posted by Blinky the Shark on 01/08/06 10:05

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [Blinky the Shark] on Saturday 07 January 2006 19:08 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> PS - Blinky, I see that you settled on "Mandriva 2006.0 Linux; kernel
>>> 2.6.12". Glad you got it working eventually.
>> Thanks. I'm also running SuSE 10.0, but Mandriva is here, on my
>> primary box.
> What do you think of SuSE? That Linux distro 'quiz'[1] recommended that
> I use Mandriva when I took the test a couple of days ago.

I don't have a huge impression, yet. The install required less user
input; but that's because there was no chance to customize it. Other than
that, I've been getting used to files being in different places and stuff
like that, and learning my way around the YaST equivalent of Mandriva's
Mandrake Control Center, both of which are kind of like Win's Control
Panel. And loading software, of course. I have mail and news clients set
up and running -- that was just fiddly work, as they're the same ones I
use here in Mandrake. All that said, it looks fine and the only reason I
favor Mandrake is because I've been using it for a few years and I'd never
seen SuSE until last week or so. Had it been the other way around, I'd be
more comfortable with SuSE. I've also been playing with a live CD of
Knoppix, and a couple days ago I got a copy of Kubuntu (live/install, take
your pick), which I'd ordered along with the new Open Office 2.0.0.

As for your test results, Mandriva is considered about the most
Linux-newbie friendly (it had that distinction as Mandrake, before the
merver with Connectiva last year). And that's why *I* started with it,
when I moved. I kept Windows for about a year, in a dual-boot situation
next to Mandrake: both OS's on the same HDD and at boot the the option of
loading either one. And since Linux understands MS file systems (not that
MS lets Windows understand Linux <g>), I could bring data from Win over to
Linux while in Linux, which was good for the conversion stage moving to

> [1]

The test results for me: Mandriva, SuSE and Open SuSe, in that order. :)

Blinky Reg Linux User 297263
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