Posted by Joey on 01/10/06 11:51
Hi sorry for my delayed thanks everyone.
I just wanted to say that I have tried to compromise by editing a
little of the HTML without completely erasing the document and starting
from scratch. As a webmaster beginner I think it would be foolish to
stop entirely using my photo editor to build rollovers and structure
the overall layout. But I did find a sort of (although time-consuming)
workaround to help the pages load faster:
I researched the various options for page-loading optimization and
figured I was actually loading images all over again which were
possible to be duplicated. I had put each web page in its own
directory with its own 'images' folder, and 50% of these images were
identical menu /logo graphics from the home page. So basically I am
now changing the source code of each web page to share images in the
same 'images' folder - which is helping a little now with the loading
of the pages.
In addition, I have also tentatively changed some source code without
shattering everything- for example centering the page was easy enough.
However, when I tried to add a background the menu graphics shifted
slightly and looked somewhat uneven so I have gave up on the coloured
Anyway, I'm learning in small steps .. thanks everyone for your advice!
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