Posted by jonathan.camenisch on 01/15/06 01:39
I'm with you. I haven't personally used FrontPage, but I've taken over
sites that had been built with it. It creates such a tag soup that it's
given me a really bad (make that really, really bad) taste in my mouth
for FrontPage.
Personally, I would commend a good code-oriented text editor to you.
I'm quite happy with SciTe, because it gives me great syntax
highlighting. It also understands languages like PHP and Ruby, so it's
better suited to scripting than Dreamweaver or something (you can edit
any text file with Dreamweaver too; you just don't have so much text
editing out of the box). If you're going to do much with a web site,
you ought to expect to use scripting languages eventually if not at
One other issue in this: if you want to make a first-class web site,
you'll want to set up a css-based layout rather than a table-based
layout. Others may disagree with me on this, but without taking time to
lay out the case, I think I have the votes of virtually all
forward-thinking web developers. Last I checked, all of the mainstream
WYSIWYG editors create table-based layouts, so if you use them, you'll
want to do a lot of hand coding anyway.
So, I still use SciTe, and use PHP for simple web sites just to handle
repeating elements using "include." There are lots of really good web
pros who do the same. Nevertheless, I'm not against Dreamweaver and
plan to purchase it pretty soon. I have at least one friend who's a web
developer, who uses css layouts vs. tables, and who loves Dreamweaver
for the help it gives him with editing css and stuff. Dreamweaver won't
get in your way if you're coding by hand, and there are good articles
out there on how make it behave in a good standards-compliant way.
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