Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/26/41 11:37
Jose wrote:
>> No, not really that is a registry setting applicable per file
> Ok, it's not an "attribute" per se. But it's also not per file either -
> it is per extension, or per file type.
mistyped, meant per filetype
>> Personally I advise even noobies to disable this stupid Windows default
> Me too. But be aware that when thou hast done, thou hast not done. For
> there is more. :)
Must be a little slow, not sure what you mean there....my point was
specific to hiding the file extensions on know file type, especially
with GUI's (not just Windows) proclivity for 'icons' as the default file
management view invites such deceptive practices to lure the naive into
infecting their systems. Hiding the systems files is probably a good
thing for many users....
Take care,
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