Posted by Gιrard Talbot on 01/19/06 22:53
Marc wrote :
> Also, I found this article:
> http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/accessibility/xhtmlexplained.html - which
> I have taken an excerpt from and pasted below. Would anyone care to
> comment?
> "The benefits of adopting XHTML now or migrating your existing site to
> the new standards are many. First of all, they ensure excellent
> forward-compatibility for your creations.
Forward-compatibility for your XHTML creations.
Some parts of the XHTML 2 spec, as of right now (7th draft version), are
not supposed to be backward-compatible with XHTML 1.0. So there you have
it. More proof? Go to this exact url:
and then read in the right column these words:
"XHTML 2 won't come into operation for a while yet, not least because it
is not designed to be backwards-compatible (...)"
So, as of right now, your XHTML 1.0 page might (will?) have to be
re-written one day.
Again, that page shows another blatant contradiction.
XHTML is the new set of
> standards that the web will be built on in the years to come, so
> future-proofing your work early will save you much trouble later on.
> Future browser versions might stop supporting deprecated elements from
> old HTML drafts, and so many old basic-HTML sites may start displaying
> incorrectly and unpredictably.
The article itself, the one which was promoting XHTML, was and still is
using deprecated attributes:
> A well-written XHTML page is more accessible than an old style HTML
> page, and is guaranteed to work in any standards-compliant browser
> (which the latest round have finally become) due to the insistence on
> rules and sticking to accepted W3C specifications.
Even WCAG 2.0 states the opposite. Validity does not ensure
accessibility. Even WCAG 2.0 Level 1 compliance will not require validity.
"It's the tools that need to be fixed and the developers and authors
that need to upgrade their skills, not the guidelines that should be
dumbed down."
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