Posted by Mark Parnell on 01/20/06 04:25
Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Ed Dickerson
<edickers@netins.net> spouted in alt.html:
> Don't do web pages.
Really? Who said that? References? If we didn't think anyone should be
doing web pages, do you think we'd be doing them ourselves?
> If you use graphics, text browsers won't see them
Funny that.
> Don't use CSS, because not all browsers recognize it.
I can't think of any of the regulars here who would have said that. Part
of the whole point of CSS is that if someone is using a browser that
doesn't support it, they can still access all of the content, just
without the styling.
> Don't use java, because it's slow and requires a plug in.
No arguments there.
> Don't use flash, because it's slow to load, and the surfer might be gone.
Among other things. Flash *does* have a small number of valid uses, but
they are a very small percentage of the Flash we actually see on the
> Don't use frames, because search engines don't like them.
Again, among other things, yes. Again, frames have a couple of valid
uses, though none of them are found on the WWW.
> If you use text, it's always the wrong size.
Only if you try and change it from the user's default (with the obvious
exception of headings, legalese, etc).
> Don't use menus, because people without a mouse can't use them
Why would someone without a mouse be unable to use a menu? Again,
references please.
> Always use menus, otherwise people can't find their way around.
*Always* might be a bit strong, but generally a menu *is* a good idea.
If the site only has 2 or 3 pages, you probably don't need one.
> I never seem to see any actual websites that meet all these criteria.
That's because you're making half of it up.
> I'd love to see a website that does everything just right.
There probably isn't one. And "right" is always going to be subjective.
But we try and get as close as we can.
Mark Parnell
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