Posted by Kim Briggs on 04/20/05 03:44
If you are still looking for "tips" and want to get complicated/fancy,
I have seen columns used called sort_order more than a few times.
This should not be too hard to maintain for things like a few
buildings, etc., where the lookup table does not change much over
time. You would then have another option for your "oder by" clause.
On 4/19/05, Jay Blanchard <jay.blanchard@niicommunications.com> wrote:
> [snip]
> I can do that, but is there a better way? How do you all handle
> dynamic sorting of normalized DBs?
> [/snip]
> Normalization has no effect on sort order where any DB is concerned.
> Sort order is determined in the sort clause in the query. So if you want
> to sort by location and you are using MySQL your ORDER BY clause should
> be location....(regardless of joins)
> SELECT foo
> FROM bar
> ORDER BY location
> returns
> course instructor location
> Science Bill Elementary School
> Basket Weaving Dave High School
> Math Dave Middle School
> Biology Jessica Middle School
> The results with course as the sort qualifier
> course instructor location
> Basket Weaving Dave High School
> Biology Jessica Middle School
> Math Dave Middle School
> Science Bill Elementary School
> You have over-compicated a simple issue
> --
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