Posted by Jim Michaels on 02/04/06 09:19
"Robert" <robert-neville310@y@ho0.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:10:01 +0100, Mitja <nun@example.com> wrote:
>>On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 23:13:31 -0800, Robert <robert-neville310@y@ho0.com>
>>> Maybe, I could code two content boxes; float them left;
>>> with two distinct menus; a main menu & topic menu. Each menu should be
>>> updatable outside the static HTML.
>>CSS is about style, not including files in one another, so it's not a
>>solution for your problem.
>>You've got several options:
>>Since you want to use those files locally, server-side scripting is pretty
>>much out of question. I think your best options are either plain old
>>frames or static, yet automatically generated pages. For links and more
>>info see above.
the IE-only solution (I'll make this cross-platform) was
<div id=tip></div>
if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") { //I think this is
tip.innerHTML="<i>instant HTML!</i>"; //IE-only, but really cool.
} else {
document.write("<i>instant HTML!</i>"); //works on anything, but
> Thanks, Martin and Mitja; your replies were very helpful. The links
> are excellent.
> I am still on the fence about the best approach, yet I am leaning
> toward traditional frames. PHP would be ideal, yet you need to run
> these documents with server side support, which becomes cumbersome for
> me when viewing on a general browser. Javascript could works as well.
> Do you need additional compilers when viewing dynamic content?
not for javascript. ASP, PHP, vbscript, and javascript are scripting
languages. they are interpreted on-the-fly rather than compiled like C++.
javascript requires time on the browser to run (may slow things down for the
user some). PHP-generated HTML doesn't, unless you are doing a lot of
complicated DB queries.
> Let me know if you have more links on dynamic content for recent
> browsers. I searched Google before, yet the results are numerous and
> time consuming to review. Your comments help refine my search. I need
> to read more about iFrame, yet they seem very similar to Frames.
> iFrame may be used to have the two menus.
iframe is an embedded frame inside a document. you specify the width and
height. it also has some quirks compared to regular frames.
> The main decision about the preferable approach really lies if I want
> to create independent pages that link to dynamic menus; or frames that
> links to the content and forcing myself through the front page. To
> clarify myself, I have about a hundred documents with notes about
> different topics. Currently, I locate them through Windows Explorer
> since they are categorized in specific folders. Actually, most
> documents are in Word.
you can embed Word documents using <object></object>
you can also force a download of .doc files rather than a display in IE by
using PHP to send header()s. just google "php header file download"
Now, I want to create a navigation approach
> that allows me to select the topic from the file structure or from the
> document's navigation system. The ideal approach will allow me to
> navigate additional topics like troubleshooting your internet
> connection relates to networking & OS topics; each document is in
> their respective folder. The frame approach begins at the root and
> step into each category/folder. So I can't zip up a folder and email
> it to a colleague. I am looking for the best of both worlds.
did you know PHP has the ZIP library and a mail function embedded in it?
> Most of these documents are for personal use. I am not part of a
> technical support help desk team. As mentioned, I do use numerous
> applications at random times. My notes help me remember key
> idiosyncrasies about OS or application. I remain no expert in any one
> application; yet remain a jack of all trades. I prefer html since it
> allows me to control the bloating inherent in other documents format.
> For example, I could re-use certain screenshots and style sheets
> across these documents. In addition, Word document bloat when one uses
> numerous screenshots.
> Let me know if you have additional thoughts to add to this discussion.
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