Posted by Stan McCann on 02/08/06 01:27
Mitja Trampus <nun@example.com> wrote in
> John Salerno wrote:
>> And if you *did* happen to mean the language, then I don't know,
>> because I know neither yet. But I plan to start learning Python
>> soon.
> Yes, I did mean the languages :)
> I'm into python, but I guess that's only because I learned
> it first and never felt the need to dig into ruby. They're
> both nice...
I've been teaching myself PHP and loving it. I'm guessing that PHP is
the only language in which you can jump between program code and HTML.
I'm finding that very nice being able to work kind of like using
heredocs without the bother.
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
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