Posted by Andy Dingley on 02/13/06 17:17
I was saddened to bump into both of these today. Although they take
quite contradictory viewpoints (by the same person at the same
conference!) they both struck me as deserving of the Golden Clueiron
award (and this isn't a good thing)
Why we need HTML 5 (Edd Dumbill)
Why we need XHTML 2.0 (Edd Dumbill)
Now if anyone wants to talk about where XHTML 1.2 should go, then I'm
all ears. Even XForms! Sensible development is a good thing. But XHTML
2.0 is a smoking foot-stump of a bad idea and HTML 5 is just a few egos
throwing their toys out of the pram.
Anyone else care to comment?
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